
Check And Balance Essay

Decent Essays

Every system in the world needs to be checked and balanced, if it’s a school system or a small business, it still needs to be checked and well balanced in order for it to work. In the government there are three branches. The legislative branch, executive branch, and the judicial branch. Each branch has checks and balances that they need to abide by. The legislative branch creates the laws with the senate and house and representatives. The executive branch has the president in it and it enforces laws The judicial branch is the one who reviews the laws to see if they are good and constitutional. The judicial branch also explains the laws to the country. In the legislative branch laws are created, so there has to be some restrictions to them. …show more content…

This is the branch the reviews the laws that are proposed and explain them to the public. Just like the other two branches the judicial branch also has its checks and balances. In the judicial branch they are allowed to rule something unconstitutional this gives them a lot of power. The president in the executive branch however has the ability to appoint judges for the judicial branch, so it isn’t a bunch of people chosen by the judicial branch, but from the president so they have a check. Another check and balance is that the congress can impeach or remove any of the judges from office. This allows the congress to make sure that there are no bad judges or judges that shouldn’t be in office there. Those are great checks and balances for the judicial branch to have because if they didn’t have them it would be a problem. There are three branches in the government the legislative branch, executive branch, and the judicial branch. These branches create laws, enforce laws, and interpret and explain laws. The government as a whole need to have checks and balances to it, especially in each branch. If they didn’t have checks and balances it wouldn’t be a very good form of government. For example, the president has the power to veto a law, but the congress can get passed that with a 2/3rd vote on it. If, the government never had checks and balances, then it would not work very

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