
Checks And Balances: The Separation Of Power

Decent Essays

When the Constitution was wrote it was important for the men behind it to make sure that there is no one meaning as an individual or a whole abusing their powers. They have split the government into three different branches and each branch has their own “ checks and balances.” So no one person in each branch has all the power in their hand. Each of the branches has their own duties they have to fulfill and not a single person has total control. Each of the branches checks themselves and each other.
Separation of powers, the government is separated into three different branches the Legislative branch, the Executive branch, and the judicial branch. The separation of powers is related to checks and balances because each one of the branches has its own power, which is the balance and the check is because each of the branches check the other to make sure they are not doing anything against one another or anything unethical, or unlawful. The Legislative Branch is under article 1 of the constitution, the House of Representatives and the Senate, which together makes up Congress. In the Constitution, it gives congress the ability to pass legislation and declare war, they can confirm or reject any presidential appointments and investigative powers. The House is made up of the 435 elected members; they then vote one speaker who is third in line …show more content…

The power comes from the president. In Article II of the constitution it states the President is in charge of enforcing laws that congress has written and is head of federal agencies; this branch employs more than 4 million Americans. There are many other departments that fall under the Executive branch like the USDA, the Department of commerce, DOD, Department of Education, Department of Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, and eight other departments. (White

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