In the experiment, the scientist observed a series of cells, the first one being cheek cells. After swabbing the inside of their cheeks and preparing a slide, the scientists were able to see the cytoplasm, nucleus and cell membrane of this undyed cell. While observing these cells under 400X, they noticed that the cheek cells varied in shape, some being almost perfectly spherical, while others resembled an oval figure. Additionally, these cells appeared to be grouped up and messily stacked on top of one another. The team then observed the same cheek cells, but dyed them, allowing them to more clearly see the different organelles. They noticed that the nucleus look more defined and the pigmented cell membranes made it easier to distinguish the different cells from one another. Moreover, the biologists could see specs within each of the cell's cytoplasm, probably resembling its various organelles. After drawing what they observed through the compound light microscope, the scientists moved onto the dyed and undyed onion cells.
Under 400x, the scientists discovered
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While the other cells appeared translucent, the bacteria types were stained with a purple pigment. While examine this organism, the team discovered that this cell was very “stringy” in comparison to the previous cells. They noticed that the center of a “bacteria blob” appeared darkly colored, mostly likely due to the bacteria cells piling up, while individual strands extending out of the middle. These bacteria cells were very similar to the cheek cells, as both things were messily stacked, unlike the organized layout of the onion cells. Although the biologists could distinguish a cell membrane and a cell wall, they noticed that the cell did not contain a nucleus. The scientists also noticed that the cell did not contain any visible membrane bound organelles, leading them to believe that this was a prokaryotic
Preparing specimen for electron microscope hard, light microscope still very useful as a window on living cells.
A sample was taken, examination under the microscope did reveal some clue cells. An Affirm prep is pending.
They may have poor eye sight, the cells may not have transferred on to the slide properly, the microscope may have malfunctioned,
2-1: What are the characteristics of epithelial tissue? _Polarity, Specialized contacts, Supported of connective tissue, Avascular but innervated, Regeneration___
Using the microscope provided to analyze the different size of the different cells and organisms
The next step of the project included preparing a Gram stain to discover the cell shape, arrangement, and if the bacteria is gram positive or
diH20 acted as a negative control in the experiment, all cells, both in intrafollicular zone and in interfollicular zone stained purple. Cells stained brown in the negative control indicate non-specific staining.
A highly conserved gene will be used to identify a prokaryotic species isolated from the body. Fundamental lab techniques will be also explored and utilized, such as amplifying using PCR, cloning, and transforming the gene into a host cell. DNA electrophoresis and specific substrate plating will serve as analysis check points. The final product will be sequenced and compared to similar species to observe phylogenetic relationships.
There were many tiny cells, but they were very hard to see. The cells were dark and clumped together.
The purpose of this study is to identify four unknown organisms. The unknown organisms have been assigned randomly to six-research groups by Professor Hoffman. Each research group was provided two eukaryotes and two prokaryotes. The unknown organisms will fall into the following classifications: bacteria, algae, fungi, or protozoans. All living organisms are organized into one of three domains of life, Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.
How should the unknown microscopic organisms be classified? The concept of the experiment was to conduct a systematic observation about the traits of unknown organisms, and classify them to the right group. Making detailed observations about the traits, made it possible to identify which cell the trait belonged to because different cells have different traits. Animal cells do not have a cell wall, and has one or more small vacuoles. Plant cells has a cell wall, rectangular (fixed shape), and has a chloroplasts. Cytoplasm, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Ribosomes, Mitochondria, and Golgi apparatus to name a few.
18) Looking into your microscope, you spot an unusual cell. Instead of the typical rounded cell shape, the cell has a very narrow middle separating two bulging ends. It sort of looks like the number 8! Then you realize that this cell is
When viewing the unstained cheek cells, the amount of light did not have an effect on viewing the slide; meaning that the cells were not visible until they were stained.
cell will look just like any other 'normal' cell although this is far from the
Prokaryote cells - bacteria and archeans. They are single celled organisms, where the DNA is not separate from the cytoplasm. These prokaryote cells formed the earliest and most primitive life on earth.