
Cheerleading Research Papers

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Sparkling makeup in hues of red and white and glittering silver pom poms captivated me as a child. The young women who wielded these trinkets performed quick and precise routines, advanced stunts, and flashed some of the brightest smiles I had ever seen. They were pretty, but not all one type of pretty. Some were tall and pale, others short and tan, some slim and fit, and others bulky and strong. The young women fliped and kicked, their pretty smiles never fading for a second. Just like every other young girl in the stands, I was determined to be like them.
I wanted to be a cheerleader.
Football is the heart and soul of my small town, Groom, TX. The fans fill the stands to support the football boys as they battle down the road towards the playoffs. The cheerleaders were magnificent to any little girl, but to the adults they were unhappy and sloppy. Blinded by the glitter, the little girls didn’t notice the arguments, the snarky comments, or the mean looks. Among those naïve children was me, a chubby fourth grade girl with a dream to become a pretty cheerleader with pom poms in my hand.
The cheerleading program was falling to pieces at Groom, and it had been for a long time. Teachers would cringe every year the school board went searching for a new sponsor. They …show more content…

They were college cheerleaders from Texas Tech University, and knowing that just made me even more nervous. When my partner daringly began the cheer, I felt like my heart was about to burst. Brittany, my partner, was extremely loud and sharp, while I could barely get myself to complete the motions in silence. My body was on fire throughout that eight minute tryout, which consisted of a cheer I had forgotten the words to, a chant I had stumbled over, and a dance I had forgotten. I left the room with a sigh of relief and somehow the child inside of me told me, ‘You made

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