- The knight, one's was loyal, could escape from the death penalty by the King's magnanimous gesture. - He is regretting his poor scheme to break in the district attorney's house, while standing in the middle of the court. - I don't know why the police is following my car. I have to slow speeds down to pull over. - I was lining up for getting a cup of coffee, suddenly someone cuts in line and pushed me. So I stepped on her foot on purpose. - My girlfriend eats an apple every morning, but I am allergic to the apple. It made me sick with the smell of the apple. - If I can change your mind to fall in love with me, I would do everything. I mean everything. - She has a serious sugar craving. Unless she eats the chocolate three times a day, she feels dizzy. …show more content…
Yet, he got into a situation that being held in jail. - The high-speed camera can capture the lively movement of a cheetah. When the cheetah is chasing a gazelle, it is impossible to see own eyes how fast it moves. - Being the expert in any field requires a lot of efforts. It is tremendously hard to take it to the next level. - I barely derive a courage to go near to the cave where a mystery creature lives in it. - A town shaman told us, the cursed body was buried under the tree. We decide to hold the ancestral rites, for the its afterlife. - By notorious witch's spell, an arrogant princess is compelled to dance endlessly when full moon rises. Without finding magic shoes she can't stop from shameful
Malcolm Gladwell, the author of Outliers, believes that working at something for 10,000 hours is required to achieve mastery and become a world class expert at anything. While this is a nice way of making it seem like anyone can be successful, it is simply not true. Some people will never achieve proficiency in a domain, no matter how much practice they put into it. There are a variety of factors that play into expertise besides practice and certain domains require much less practice than the magical 10,000 hour threshold that Gladwell established.
It is interesting to note that King Arthur's life depends on two things: his remaining faithful to his word, and Sir Gromer, also a knight bound by the code of chivalry, remaining true to his word. If Arthur does not trust that Sir Gromer will honor the code and spare his life, it would seem unreasonable for him to agree to such a deal. In the end, we find that both men remain honorable, thus upholding this aspect of the code of knighthood.
Long Ago their was a queen that was a cheetah witch her name was queen Sabrina. She had a daughter who was also a cheetah but her name was princess Selena. Today was the day Selena was going to the pet store to get a dog. The person in charge of the dogs showed princess Selena a small yappy dog. Princess Selena said, "Thank you" , and left the store to go back home. She showed her mom the queen the bran new yappy dog she got. She told her mom that she would name it Emily Rose because it is a girl it it sounds like a cute name she also told her mom she would call her Ems for short. Next morning it was really cold Selena and her puppy Ems went to the pet store
“In DNA, Clues to the Cheetah’s Speed and Hurdles,” by Barbara S. Moffet is an article published in the New York Times Science. This article fascinated me when I first read it because the topic not only perfectly aligned with what we have covered in class so far, but the story is the epitome of the power of genetics, genomic diversity, mutations, and natural selection playing in the ecosystem.
Summary: The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces is a story of twelve princesses that awake each morning with their shoes destroyed. The king finds out about this and decrees whomever can find out where the princesses are going within three days will become the next king and may choose a princess of their choice to marry. If the suitor is not successful in the given time he is put to death. Many suitors attempt to discover where the princesses go, but many fail and lose their lives.
A cheetah can run up to 112 to 120 km/h (70 to 75 mph) in short bursts covering distances up to 500 m (1,600 ft). Also they can reach from 0 to 62 mph in three seconds. The closest thing to the cheetahs family is the puma. This cat is known for its speed and the way it run and reaches its speed in such a short time. The tail of the cheetah help it when it run because while it runs if it has to turn really fast because if its prey the tail balance it out, thats not the only thing that keep the cat from falling onto the ground while it runs the cheetah has nails that are like claws and it runs on the tips of it toes which helps with the turning it sticks his or her nails into the ground for grip. The cheetah is a lot alike
Stereotypic behaviours (SB) can be caused by a lack of stimulation in their environment or lacking of wanting or needing to perform certain behaviours, which may cause stress in this animal. SB don’t usually have a clear purpose and are reduced by the easiest technique; Environmental enrichment (Mason et al., 2007). A captive Cheetahs past experiences, a new environment even an illness could trigger stress resulting in SB being performed. This doesn’t necessarily mean the individual is distressed, the individual may be bored so it paces to occupy itself, but this isn’t natural. If visitors see an animal showing SB they may assume that the animal is stressed and in a bad state of welfare; this is not a correct representation of this species or of the zoo.
The cheetah has many survival adaptations. It can run up to 70 mph and its spots can camouflage it from its predators. Cheetahs also have paws that help it move silently. They have semi-retractable claws that they use to hunt and catch their prey. Their paws also help them improve their speed. It gets its speed from their long strides and muscular legs. Their spots help the cheetah hide from their prey in the tall grass. They also have their "tear-marks" which help the cheetah by keeping the sun out of it's eyes. If the sun was in their eyes, they wouldn't be able to focus on their prey. For reproduction, male and female cheetahs stay together for 2-3 days in a small space and mate mostly at night. Females give birth after a gestation of 90-95
Long ago a few million years back the snake had legs very small legs the legs that gave the snake the ability to run very fast. His only problem was that he always roasted on the other animals. He would roast on them about how fast he was and how slow they were. The animal he roasted on the most was the poor cheetah because at that time unfortunately the poor cheetah did not have any legs so he would have to slither along the floor to move which made the cheetah the second slowest animal at the time( turtle was the first).Then one very hot day middle of the summer the snake challenged the cheetah to a race and the only reason for him asking the cheetah was because of the fact that he knew what the outcome of the race would be which would be
All About Cheetahs By Francisco Did you know cheetahs are also call the hunting leopard? Fact 2:Habitat The cheetah live in the Africa and some parts of Asia.
Hot air balloon slowly rises up into the sky I stand in the basket made of wicker woven together at the bottom I watch as the balloon gets bigger and bigger looking at the burner flames making it go higher and higher I see the colours inside Red with white stripes and purple polka dots I enjoy the ride It depends how hard the wind is blowing That's how fast I'm going
What is yellow with black spots, loves to run fast, and is one of the most popular cats in the zoo and wild? Cheetahs, muscular fast cats, are one of the most gentle cats at the zoo and in the wild. The black spots and the yellow coat gives the cheetah a weird and unique physical characteristics. The habitat the cheetah lives in is just as important as the behavior. The cheetah’s behavior is very important to help them survive. The habitat may be important for the cheetah’s survival, but it's the diet that is more important for the cheetah's survival as well. Hunting is a vital part to the cheetah's survival, behavior, and habitat. Fast and gentle, the Cheetah’s physical characteristics, variety of behaviors, hunting abilities, habitat and
Imagine being a police officer doing your daily routine job. You are in a patrol car on the highway, watching the cars and trucks drive by. You are also looking for speeders to warn them to be more careful and maybe you’ll ticket them. It has been a very boring day for you, since you have only been called on your radio once, and it was for an accident (fender bender). Almost at the end of your shift, a blue car drives by going ninety miles an hour, but you know the speed limit is only fifty-five miles an hour. You pull the patrol car out of the gravel area that you had been sitting in and you start to follow the car. You put your lights on and catch up to them. After a few minutes you pull the person over.
Cheetah is one of the most detailed animals ever. The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world, reaching speeds up to 113 km/h (70 miles per hour)! Plus, the cheetah's tail helps them stay up when they switch directions quickly, and also know that Charlemagne used cheetahs as pets to show off inside his palace. I am going to teach you about twelve important categories and those are: the cheetah’s name, anatomy/appearance, locomotion, diet, habitat and range, adaptations, life cycle/reproduction, behavior, defense/offense, enemies, species’ survival status, and something special.
First I was trying to steal someone's pocketbook to get a new pair of blue suede shoes I always wanted. But that went horribly wrong because when I was trying to the purse slipped and I fell on my back. The lady came to me and kick me in the blue jean sitter. She picked me up and shook me.