
Chektogenic Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

A ketogenic weight loss program is a unique type of diet which is really low in carbohydrates. They're also known as "ketosis" diets. As you may have heard, carbohydrate foods are the bodys primary source of energy. These are broken down and the particular energy is then used for the everyday functioning of the body. When you restrict your consumption of carbs your system does not have any energy to burn, which could essentially mean you die. Fortunately, your body is smart enough to be aware of what to do. When there are little if any carbs to burn, your body switches over to burning fats instead as a main energy source. Are you seeing where this is going? It really seems reasonable that if fat reduction is your objective, then a ketogenic diet regime, which makes your body to burn fat for energy, should be a good thing. All this is fine provided that you do not forget about the fundamental, old rule that calories out must at the very least equal calories in.

You will find people who fear that a ketogenic diet regime might be dangerous. Actually, they really are safe; the trouble seems to be that a number of men and women get mixed up involving the words "ketoacidsosis" and "ketogenic". Actually, the word "ketoacidosis" describes a really dangerous problem diabetics are affected from, where their blood sugar level swings way …show more content…

Individuals of these studies have pointed out that their appetites were suppressed while choosing a ketogenic diet regime. This is usually as a result of the higher protein foods in ketogenic diet programs. Protein can be a major role player in how fast we start to really feel full, which in turn, of course makes you less hungry. The people who don't have to actively work to control calories are those on low carbohydrate diet programs, where as men and women on low fat diets need to be concerned with counting calorie

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