
Chemical And Periodic Properties: Charlie Ponyik And Dr. Renee Falconer

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“Chemical and Periodic Properties” Martin Lozano, Charlie Widdicombe Experiment 2 September 5, 2014 Charlie Ponyik and Dr. Renee Falconer Introduction Even before he knew anything about the atom or its behavior, a Russian scientist by the name of Dmitry Mandeleev was able to organize known elements of the time by their common properties. He noticed that the properties would appear periodically and began organizing the elements in columns that shared those similar properties. Thus, the periodic table was born.2 In this lab session, the chemical and periodic properties of several substances were observed to determine trends and differences among them. These properties include, but are not limited to, acidity and basicity, the production of gases, …show more content…

It is important to note that common household products are generally basic or slightly acidic, and ae useful for cleaning due to their ability to react with substances that need to be cleaned.1 An acid is simply a molecular compound that is able to donate a positive Hydrogen ion when dissolved in water. Conversely, a base is a molecular compound that is able to give off negatively charged hydroxide ions when dissolved in water.3 Because of this “donation” of ions, chemical changes may occur. When ionic compounds (compounds consisting of a positive cation and a negative anion stuck together by the attraction of the other’s charge) are dissolved in water, electrolytes are created. An electrolyte is a substance that conducts electricity when dissolved in water, while a non-electrolyte is one that cannot.3 In general, those compounds whose ions dissociate in greater amount and are in greater concentration are more conductive, or have more ability to transmit heat and electricity. We can demonstrate this dissociation of sodium chloride dissolved in water with the following chemical

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