
Chemical Change Lab Report

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Substances differs from each other as each of the substances have different atomic composition and structures. And although the substances that shares the same characteristic can be grouped together, each of the substances still have their own unique and defining physical and chemical properties. Therefore, some substances may undergo a chemical change while others don’t during a same reaction. In the experiment conducted, two different elements were used, Iodine crystals, I2 and Copper wire, Cu. After recording the initial observation on both of the elements, they were both heated and allowed to cool. The copper wire, initially bronze in colour, glows red during heating and is black in colour at the end of the experiment. Meanwhile, the black …show more content…

The change in colour of the copper wire from bronze to black signifies that the composition of the copper wire have changed during the heating process. The copper wire, Cu had reacted with oxygen, O2 during heating and forms a new substance that is copper oxide, CuO. As the composition of the copper changes with the presence of oxygen, the chemical properties have also changed and thus this causes the resulting substance, copper oxide, CuO to differ physically and chemically with the original substance, Copper, C. Thus, it can be concluded that the heating of copper wire causes a chemical change to occur. Meanwhile, the change in physical state and colour of the iodine crystals, I2 during heating does not signify that a chemical change has taken place. This is because, when the iodine crystals were heated, the heat was absorbed to increase the kinetic energy of the iodine molecules and when the molecules have enough energy to overcome the force of attraction, the iodine crystals starts to …show more content…

A few drops of hydrochloric acid, HCL were added to both of the solutions and the observations were recorded. It is observed that bubbles were formed in the sodium carbonate solution. It can be said that effervescence occurred during the reaction. Effervescence can be defined as the escape of gas from a solution and the foaming and fizzing that results from the release of a gas. As there is a gas that is released from the solution, the composition of the solution and its molecular formula must have undergone a change during the reaction and this change can be classified as a chemical change. This is because, when the sodium carbonate solution reacts with the hydrochloric acid, it will produce sodium chloride, NaCl, water, H2O and carbon dioxide, CO2. The gas bubbles produced were carbon dioxide gases. As the final substance differs in composition and in their molecular formula with the original substance, it can be concluded that the change in this reaction is a chemical change. Different with the sodium hydroxide solution, NaOH, that doesn’t show any visible changes when it reacts with the hydrochloric acid. Although there is no visible change that can be observed, this does not mean that there is no changes taking place during the reaction. As sodium hydroxide is an alkali, when it reacts with the

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