Chlorine Oxides
Chlorine and oxygen also can bond in numerous ways:
• chlorine monoxide, ClO2, chlorine(II) oxide
• chlorine dioxide, ClO, chlorine(IV) oxide
• chloroperoxyl, ClOO
• chlorine trioxide, ClO3, chlorine(VI) oxide
• dichlorine monoxide, Cl2O, chlorine(I) oxide
3 dichlorine dioxides:
• ClO dimer, Cl2O2, chlorine peroxide
• chloryl chloride, ClO2Cl, chlorine(0,IV) oxide
• chlorine chlorite, ClOClO, chlorine(I,III) oxide Chlorine Peroxide
IUPAC name
Dichlorine dioxide
Other names
Chlorine(I) oxide; ClO dimer
CAS Number
• 12292-23-8
3D model • Interactive image
• 109895
PubChem CID
• 123287
Chemical formula
Molar mass
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Chlorine peroxide (also identified as dichlorine dioxide or dimer) is a molecular compound with method ClOOCl. Chemically,this is a dimer of the chlorine monoxide radical (ClO). It is dynamic in the development of the ozone hole. Chlorine peroxide catalytically changes ozone into oxygen when it is visible by infrared light.
The radical chlorination of chlorobutane is performed using AIBN and sulfuryl chloride. The purpose in doing this is so that the 4 different products yielded could be observed and analyzed. The four products produced are, 1,1-dichlorobutane, 1,2-dichlorobutane, 1,3-dichlorobutane, and 1,4-dichlorobutane. For each product the chlorine adds in a different location relative to the original chlorine. This is due to a number of reasons, including the degree of carbon substitution and proximity to the chloro substituent.. The goal with this in the experiment was to find out why each product is given in different yields. Experimentally, to determine the effect of the chloro substituent on the reactivity per hydrogen, a gas
Polychlorinated Biphenyl or PCBs is a chlorine based organic compound with the formula of C12H10−xCLx . Polychlorinated biphenyls was used in many different things such as coolants, lubricants for transformers, and other electrical equipment. The production of polychlorinated biphenyls is stopped all together in the united states in the year of 1977 by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA did this due to the buildup of polychlorinated biphenyls found in the environment.
Backtrack to April 22, 1915. Halfway around the world in Ypres, Belgium, German forces surprise two French Colonial divisions by unleashing nearly 150 tons of pure fatal chlorine gas. Because they had never been exposed to chemical warfare on a scale like this; The French forces had no protection against this deadly toxin. This lack of preparation sent front line troops into a panic. Nearly 6,000 troops were killed because of the deadly gas. These soldiers did not die peacefully, as they choked and burned to death as if they were parasites. The Germans, who bombarded “No man’s land” and the front line trenches with the chlorine gas were equally as surprised with the devastation the unbeatable gas left. Long story short, although German forces had a major advantage with this toxic new weapon; they failed to come out of the Second Battle of Ypres with a victory. Shortly after worldwide mass production of gas masks were being put into effect for the war. This first use of chemical warfare changed the entire
With a large amount of confusion surrounding the public, religions began to voice their opinions. Some religious views were supported by the media, whereas medical support was varied but limited as many felt that chloroform was unethical (Church History, 2006). The Church of England preached against the use of chloroform relating to the bible “God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam… he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh”, Simpson challenged this as it shows the first surgical operation on humans (Robinson, 1996). Simpson discovered that during labour a women can experience anxiety and dread towards birth but with chloroform those feelings disappear (Poovey, 1986). A journalist for New Vision tested securities around chloroform
Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)-containing inhalers, or CFC propellants, were commonly used in US inhalers prescribed to treat asthma and COPD (Hendeles, Colice, & Meyer, 2007, p. 1344). However, CFC is an organic compound that accumulates in the stratosphere (Hendeles, Colice, & Meyer, 2007, p. 1344). CFC causes deleterious effects on the atmosphere and thus reduces the protective effects the stratosphere has in minimizing ultraviolet B radiation (Hendeles, Colice, & Meyer, 2007, p. 1344). “The World Health Organization estimated that a 10% decrease in stratospheric ozone levels would lead to an additional 300,000 non-melanomas and 4500 melanoma skin cancers worldwide annually” (Hendeles, Colice, & Meyer, 2007, p. 1344).
Another kind of incident that occurred before when Ken should've done something when he had the chance was when David sniffed chloroform. This substance, chloroform, was known as a very dangerous substance to have around your house. A chloroform is a, “primitive anesthetic commonly used during surgery in the mid-18002”(silverstein 17). Chloroform was initially used to make people sleep so they wouldn’t feel the pain of surgeries. It could be dangerous if you sniff it a lot. But David didn't care about that. Reading his favorite book, the golden book, it, “urged readers to sniff carefully…David took the challenge, but apparently sniffed too vigorously and ended up flat on his back. He estimated he was out for more than an hour”(Silverstein 17).
OSHA adopts a standard to protect staff who are might be exposed to methylene chloride, a substance generally utilized as a part of industrial procedures, including paint stripping, pharmaceutical assembling and metal cleaning and degreasing. Exposure to methylene chloride favors the existence of tumor; affects the heart and causes skin and eye irritation.
To begin the experiment, 0.4201 grams of isoborneol and apply it to a 25 milliliter Erlenmeyer flask. From a buret, 0.2 milliliters of acetic acid was added to the flask along with 5 milliliter of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCL). A magnetic stirrer was placed into the flask, and the flask was set on top of a hot plate. The contents in the flask was stirred for 30 minutes. After the first ten minutes and every 5 minutes thereafter, the reaction is tested for excess hypochlorite using a strip of starch iodine paper.
The way chlorine kills the bacteria is because chlorine splits into different chemicals like HOCI (Hypochlorous acid) and OCI (Hypochlorite ion). HOCI and OCI both dissolve in water. These two chemicals kills bacteria and they do that by attacking the lipids in the cell. HOCI is able to oxidise (loss of electrons) organisms in seconds and OCI is able to oxidise (loss of electrons) organisms in about 30 minutes. This means that chlorine kills bacteria straight away because of the HOCI but then the OCI kills bacteria later for example people who go into the swimming later. Also chlorine does not harm us humans but maybe you get some dry skin or hair. This is really effective because HOCI and OCI in the chlorine kills bacteria which can make
From the beginning of the spraying 51 years ago, and even today, millions of Vietnamese have died from, or been completely incapacitated by, diseases which the US government recognizes are related to Agent Orange, according to Many people refuse to believe that Agent Orange had any bad or harmful effect on the environment and on people. In my opinion, Agent Orange was a very deadly toxin, has had a very big and negative impact on both the environment in Vietnam and other countries around the world, and it has had a big and negative impact on people by causing diseases and disorders.
Chloramines are disinfectants used to treat drinking water. Chloramines are intended to quickly kill most bacteria, viruses, etc, but we are now using chloramines as a matter of convenience, there are far safer alternatives.
“The terms ‘irritant’ and ‘contaminant,’ when viewed in isolation, are virtually boundless, for ‘there is virtually no substance or chemical in existence that would not irritate or damage some person or property.’ Without some limiting principle, the pollution exclusion clause would extend far beyond its intended scope, and lead to some absurd results. Take but two simple examples, reading the clause broadly would bar coverage for bodily injuries suffered by one who slips and falls on the spilled contents of a bottle of Drano, and for bodily injury caused by an allergic reaction to chlorine in a public pool. Although Drano and chlorine are both irritants and contaminants that cause, under certain conditions, bodily injury or property damage,
The global decline of the environment is readily observable. Today, the quality of air, water and land resources is increasingly compromised because of the pollutants that contaminate the environment. For the sake of industrialization and economic development, some countries are willing to risk their natural resources. Environmental degradation can be seen anywhere. According to some observers, environmental degradation is more rampant in countries with poor economic conditions as compared to more affluent countries (Ambler, n.d.). China and India, for instance, are developing countries yet it is among the biggest contributor to air pollution in terms of carbon dioxide emission ( PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, 2014). Most often, leaders of developing economies are willing to
The third gas is nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide has pretty much the same effect on the ozone as the chloroflourocarbons, but nitrous oxide only destroys about one-forth of what the chloroflourocarbons destroy.
The ozone is a gas in the atmosphere that protects all living things on Earth from damaging ultraviolet rays that come from the sun. With the ozone layer depleting, it would be difficult for anything to survive much longer or not at all. The ozone acts as a shield to protect living things from absorbing the ultraviolet ray and keeps them from being damaged. Many man-made materials are causing the ozone layer to deplete at a faster rate. The author states, “Emissions of chlorine and bromine from CFCs and halons are to blame for excessive stratospheric ozone depletion” (Ivanovich and Calm). This type of emission is going into the atmosphere and is breaking down the ozone layer. Consequently, this is resulting in the