The purpose of this lab was to distinguish observation from interpretation during a chemical reaction. In the lab, copper (II) chloride dihydrate, CuCl2 was added to water to make a solution and aluminum foil was then also added after. CuCl2 crystals were the color turquoise and when added to water turn green. After stirring, they all dissolved to make a teal solution. When the aluminum foil was added, the temperature of the solution went from 24.9 C to 94.2 C. The solution also started to bubble and foil started corroding before falling off to the bottom then most of the foil dissolved which made the water a brownish red color. All of the observations listed were educated guess on what I saw. except for the temperature readings because the
At station A when zinc and hydrochloric acid react with each other it is a chemical change because it creates gas bubbles and temperature change. At station B where NaOH solution and phenolphthalein react with each other it is a chemical change because it changed to the colour purple and the change looked difficult to reverse. Station C in which sulfuric acid and magnesium were to react with each other is a chemical change because it formed gas bubbles and changed colour. Station D where hydrochloric acid and Bromothymol blue were the materials is a chemical change because it changed to the colour yellow and looked difficult to reverse. In Station E where NaCl solution and AgNO3 solution were the materials is a chemical change because the reaction
In a test tube, 0.5mL of the sample will be added with 0.5 mL of water and shaken vigorously. Take note for its solubility by parts (0.5mL is one part). Keep adding parts of the solvent until the sample is soluble. If not, add until ten parts of the solvent and determine its solubility. To separate test tubes, water will be replaced with ethanol, chloroform, ether, and acetone as solvents. Same procedures were
The chemical reactions that could be used to store energy are Decomposition Reaction (Invisible Ink) and Reversible Decomposition-- Combination Reaction (Dehydration of Blue Vitriol/ Rehydration of Copper (II) Sulfate). 2. The following reaction is exothermic, Heme-O2 +CO Heme-CO+ O2 .
Discussion: The main scientific concept explored in this laboratory was the ability to observe the chemical reaction between Fe and Cu and to determine the ratio of moles of iron used to moles of copper produced in the reaction. A chemical reaction occurred when we used 4.06 grams of copper (II) chloride and mixed it with 9.43 grams of iron nails. The copper (II) chloride used 1.24 grams of iron from the nails to produce 1.99 grams of copper solid.
Purpose: The purpose of this experiment was to observe the many physical and chemical properties of copper as it undergoes a series of chemical reactions. Throughout this process, one would also need to acknowledge that even though the law of conservation of matter/mass suggests that one should expect to recover the same amount of copper as one started with, inevitable sources of error alter the results and produce different outcomes. The possible sources of error that led to a gain or loss in copper are demonstrated in the calculation of percent yield (percent yield= (actual yield/theoretical yield) x 100.
The purpose of the lab is to study the effect of a chemical reaction, on the change in mass.
Fatima Gowher Uzma Gowher Tanishq Gadkari Fritz Flores Block 1 Chemistry Honors AbstractWhat happens when two merely different “things” are combined? By things, I mean two different substances.
There were four different experiments to conduct, which were observed in order to obtain data regarding the reaction and outcome. For each reaction, a test tube is needed and the desired amounts of each substance to be used. A Bunsen burner, tong, and droppers were also needed to perform the experiments. Proper standard lab attire is needed to perform the lab, along with gloves, an apron, and protective goggles. This is to avoid any harm for each student.
Chemical reactions happen in industrial processes, living systems, and chemical laboratories. These reactions are thought to form products during their processes. These reactions are called combustion, synthesis, decomposition, precipitation, single-replacement, double replacement, acid-base, and redox. Combustion is known as burning. It happens when a substance combines with oxygen, which results in the release of large amounts of energy forming heat and light.
This lab mainly focused on presenting 10 elements (2 unknown) that could be analyzed and then grouped together predominantly by metallic character. Each element was observed thoroughly and the findings can be seen in the above data table. By viewing the periodic table and observations, each element was labeled as either a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid, providing insight towards each element's physical properties and behavior with the two solutions, hydrochloric acid and copper chloride. The nonmetals, sulfur and carbon, did not undergo a chemical reaction with either solution.
To perform the experiment, we had to carry out this experiment in well-ventilated area because the volatile unknown liquid could have been flammable, toxic, or irritant. In addition to that, we also had to wear department safety goggles, avoided skin/clothing contact, and most importantly, tried not to inhale any of the vapor. Now to actually perform the experiment, we placed a boiling stone into a 25 mL Erlenmeyer flask. Using a small piece of aluminum foil and a rubber band we sealed the mouth of the flask. We pinched a small hole in the center of the aluminum foil, and we measured the mass of the dry flask, boiling stone, and foil cap to the nearest 0.001 g. We obtained about 25mL of an unknown volatile liquid using a 10 mL graduated cylinder.
Combustion is a chemical reaction which is used in people’s everyday lives much more than people realize. Examples of combustion in everyday life include, gas-fueled cars, cooking on gas stoves, and heating our homes[2]. A combustion reaction occurs when a compound composed of only carbon and hydrogen reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water. These reactants often release energy in the form of heat which is why they're able to fuel our cars and heat our homes.
To begin the lab, first we recorded the dry mass of the 250 ml beaker, 50 ml beaker, and the 100 ml graduated cylinder. Next, we measured 10ml of water into each lab supply then, weighed the 2 beakers and graduated cylinder with the water in it. After that, we recorded the density for each glassware. We did this by using the equation Mass/Volume. Then, we determined the percent error for each glassware.
Introduction Safety is a vital component that must be present in all science labs in order to ensure full success for the lab as a whole and to keep good health. When performing labs, it is essential to be habitual to science safety manuals that vary upon lab location. The manual for secondary school students of Simcoe Country District School Board addresses significant responsibilities for students when conducting labs. One of the expectations is for students to wash their hands after working with chemicals.
A chemical reaction is when substances (reactants) change into other substances (products). The five general types of chemical reactions are synthesis (also known as direct combination), decomposition, single replacement (also known as single displacement), double replacement (also known as double displacement), and combustion. In this lab, the five general types of chemical reactions were conducted and observations were taken before, during, and after the reaction. Then the reactants and observations were used to determine the products to form a balanced chemical equation. The purpose of this lab was to learn and answer the question: How can observations be used to determine the identity of substances produced in a chemical reaction?