
Chemicals Involved In Stoichiometry

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What is Stoichiometry? In Chemistry, calculations that relate different quantities of substances (eg. Mass, Moles) are involved in Stoichiometry. Stoichiometry is a study involving measurable or quantitative relationships that exists in chemical reactions. The term was derived from Greek word stoicheion meaning element and metron as measure. The topic focuses on the relationships between moles, mass and particles. Mole is a unit that defines the amount of a substance that contains different chemical entities such as atoms, molecules and ions. It is equal to 12 grams of Carbon-12, the isotope of carbon with a relative mass of 12. Involved in moles is the Avogadro’s Number which is characterized as 6.02 x 1023 and in honor to Amadeo Avogadro, …show more content…

The number of molecules in a mole in any particle is 6.02 x 1023 . The term “molecules” is used to compounds that are covalent. Covalent Compounds are compounds that shares electrons to other elements. FORMULA UNITS AND MOLES A mole can also describe the number of ions in an ionic compound. Ionic compounds determine elements who give/takes electrons from/ to other elements. The formula unit is the lowest whole-number ratio of elements in an ionic compound. Formula units are particles that determines ionic compounds. Mole Conversions Mass and Moles  If you know the mass of a given substance you can solve the moles of the substance. For example, you have a sample of Sodium chloride (NaCl) with 11.2 grams and you have to know the number of moles do NaCl have. First, you must add up the mass of each element in the compound. Sodium (Na) has a mass of 22.99 amu and Chloride (Cl) has a mass of 35.45 amu. Adding the masses of the two elements sums up to 58.5 g/mol. This means that 1 mole of NaCl have 58.5 g. …show more content…

Conversions between Mass, Mole and Particles After getting the total mass of the compound, divide it by the given mass which is 11.2 grams and express the answer as moles. Given that if we have 2.50 moles of NaCl, we must determine the amount of grams that it contains. First we must determine the mass of a compound or an element then multiply the given moles to the mass of the compound and express the answer in the unit of mass. Particles and Moles  In determining the particle of a compound or an element by using the Avogadro’s Number Similar to the relationship between Mass and Moles, solving the number of particles (in atoms, molecules or formula units) uses the idea of Avogadro’s Number (abbreviated as N) which is quantified as 6.02 x 1023. For example, we have 2 moles of water or H2O and we must determine the number of particles. Shown in Figure 1, we must multiply the given moles to the Avogadro’s Number in able to convert particles to moles. One important note to remember is the unit to be used. The unit of particles can be atoms for single elements, molecules for covalent compounds and formula units for ionic

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