
Chemistry: Personal Statement

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Chemistry has sparked my interest since the first time I enrolled in a chemistry class my sophomore year in high school. The simple mixing of different chemicals could transform a solution from completely clear to a brightly colored solution once I witnessed this I was hooked. Due to this interest, I enrolled in chemistry for the next three years in high school completing first honors general chemistry, followed by advanced placement (AP) chemistry, and finally organic chemistry at a local community college my senior year of high school. After graduating high school I perused a degree in chemical engineering at the University of Louisville. My thirst for chemistry only further grew while at University of Louisville taking any chemistry class that I possibly could fit into my schedule, this included mainly chemistry labs as well as physical chemistry and quantum chemistry.
Polymeric chemistry was brought to my attention my sophomore year of college, during my co-ops at Monument Chemical a polyol and glycol production plant near Louisville. At this co-op, I worked first in production for eight months then transferring to the research and development group where I remained for just over a year. Working with the research and development group I was on a team with PhD chemists who specialized in analytical and polymer chemistry as well …show more content…

This led me to peruse a PhD to become a head researcher in a polymer production plant, with the prospect of running a pilot plant to bring the product from small scale to large scale production. I believe University of Tennessee Knoxville chemistry department will allow me to achieve one major step towards this goal. Specifically, Dr. Brian Long’s research in polymer catalysts and material

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