
Cherokee American Tradition

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Trading Our Traditions for Survival Understanding the Tsalagi or Cherokee society with the responsibilities each gender plays, one must first start from the beginning. Inspired from the traditions, the creation stories of the Cherokee or Tsalagi people, one can plainly see how each gender had their role within the matrilineal based tribe. “Our base for traditions and culture are taken from the stories passed down.” (Hiseley) The Cherokee tell various creation stories, usually depicted by the female sun. The Cherokee legend of Sky Woman, creation of the world came into being when she fell out of heaven or Galunlati onto a turtles back. After all was ready for Sky Woman, who landed on Turtle’s back, immediately from her body produced corn, …show more content…

Europeans embellished the thought that Cherokees are a valuable asset. The large tribe could provide hundreds of waring braves to serve as reserve troop and ultimately meaningless pawns for disposal between the European conflicting countries. As a result, “the Cherokees became embroiled in a number of European skirmishes, siding with the British during the French and Indian War and Revolutionary War.” (Elliott p.44), The Cherokees’ only reason for going to war, were to avenge wrongs done to a fellow clan member and other tribal disputes prior to the arrival of whites in America. After Europeans came to America, however, “Cherokee braves went to war for the sole purpose of supporting the traders on whose goods they relied. This meant doing away with women wartime roles as arbiters of justice and simply left them as helpless observers and victims caught in the cross-fire.” (Perdue …show more content…

“While retaining many of traditional customs, values, and beliefs, they selectively adopted some of the ways of life of white Americans.”(---Perdue.p30) The European Americans funded both men and missionaries to both inhabit and indoctrinate Cherokees how to become civilized. There were gains in acceptance to the white Americans ways of life, such as the learning of a written language by Sequoyah around the early 1800s, but gains that propelled survival not existence. Cherokee clans began to consume the poison that would ultimately become an end for their ancient traditions. “Intermarriage was a way of more intimately exposing Cherokees to white ideas and practices, thereby resulting in more acculturation.”(Purdue.p147) This new renaissance also came with a Trojan horse. Education from missionaries started civil wars within the tribes clans, while their once maternal way of governing was being up heaved and unraveled for more of a civilized way of life. Gender roles such as farming and taking care of the house shifted to the man along with the power they once held. The new council governing further diminished the tribes women's authority by forcing restricting voting rights to adult males only in 1826. The male only ran white man government, was far different from the traditional Cherokee governments, which

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