
Chiapas Research Paper

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Estado Liber y Soberano de Chiapas, Free and Sovereign State of Chiapas, also known as just Chiapas is one of the 32 federal entities that exist in Mexico. It is located in southeastern Mexico, it is the southern most state in Mexico. Chiapas also has a coastline along the Pacific Ocean. Near Teapa, rainfall in that region can average to more than 3,000mm per year and the rainfall amount decreases as you move to the south. It’s climate in several areas allows some Chiapas regions to have cloud forests similar to those of the Reserva de la Biosfera el Triunfo. Chiapas is divided into 122 municipalities and it’s capital city Tuxtla Guiterrez. Chiapas is home to some of the most beautiful ancient Mayan ruins of Palenque, Yaxchilan, Bonapack, and Chinkultic, as well as being a home to one of the largest indigenous populations in the country with twelve recognized ethnicities. …show more content…

In the pre-colombian era, recent excavations in the Soconusco region in that states show that the oldest civilization to have existed in Chiapas would have be that of Mokaya, existing and thriving as early as 1500BCE which makes it one of the oldest in Mesoamerica. During it’s prelatic era, it has already been discovered that Chiapas is not Olmec, but it is known that they had close relations to them. Undergoing extremely well planned importing and exporting, parts of Chiapas can be seen to have Olmec influenced architecture and products that had originally been made in the Olmec civilization, including things such as amber, magnetite, and ilmenite. In the classic period in this region is when the Mayan civilization thrived, giving way for the ruins located in modern day

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