What Is Chiari? Nearly 319,000 people have Chiari Malformation in the United States. Patients suffering from this disorder experience a wide range of symptoms, and these symptoms can range from minor to server. Each case of Chiari malformation is different from one to another, and depends on the severity. Chiari malformation is a disease that affects all ages. It is detectable and treatable and scientists hope to someday reduce its effect on patients and possibly eliminate it. First off we'll talk about what it is and side effects. According to the site Chiari Malformation, “Chiari Malformation is a structured defect in the brain and spinal cord. This happens sometimes during fetal development and is called congenital Chiari Malformation”(Chiari Malformation). Some Chiari can occur later in life when excessive amount of cerebrospinal fluid is drained away due to injury infection and exposure to toxic substances(Chiari Malformation). This is called secondary Chiari Malformation(Tamiz 1). He also said “Chiari is caused by poor diet. The indented bony space at the back of the skull is abnormally small. As results this will build up pressure on the …show more content…
Many people did not know of Chiari. To be exact .1% of the population did not know what chiari. Many people though just a mirgain would not mean much till they went into the doctor and found out they had chiar all because of a migraine or even a headache that would not go away. People think Chiari is nothing to worry about but really if kids or even adults have it there should be a worry. Chari could mess up nervous systems or even cause death. If you have chiari make sure you know what to look out for. Do not put off small things. Chiari is something you don’t mess around with. Let's take a stands and stand up to Chiari Malformation, lets informore more people about what it is and how it affects the human body and everyone
ABNORMALITIES: The abnormalities regarding growth are- Prenatal onset of marked growth deficiency. Average birth weight at term is 1543g (1000 to 2005g) Mean postnatal growth is 1543 deficiency is -7.1 SD +/- 2.08. One adult was 104 cm. Delayed bone age. Genitalia showing Cryptorchidism. In Craniofacies abnormalities are: Microcephaly with secondary premature synostosis. In one-half of cases, head circumference is more retarded than height, while for the remainder it is as retarded as height. Receding forehead. Prominent nose, micrognathia, low- set malformed
Spina Bifida is the most common permanently disabling birth defect in the United States. Spina Bifida happens when a baby is in the womb and the spinal column does not close all the way.There are four types of Spina Bifida, Occulta, Closed Neural tube defects, Meningocele, and Myelomeningocele. Spina Bifida Occulta is one or more vertebrae are not properly formed. In Closed Neural tube defects it consists of a diverse group of defects in which the spinal cord is marked by malformations of fat, bone, or meninges. Meningocele is spinal fluid and meninges protrude through an abnormal vertebral opening. And Myelomeningocele is the most severe and occurs when the spinal cord/neural elements are exposed through the opening in the spine, resulting
Chiari Malformation (aka Arnold-Chiari Malformation) is the condition when brain tissue extends into the spinal canal. This occurs when part of the skull is unusually small or misshaped which later causes pressure on the brain and forcing it downwards. There are 3 types of Chiari malformations. Type I develops as the skull and brain are growing, type II and type III are congenital.
This syndrome is not very common, because it is a rare condition. Its prevalence is not certain, but the proximate amount is 5 to 10 individuals per million newborns. Research workers appraise that there are approximately 200 to 300 individuals around the world who have this disorder. It is observed with equivalent recurrence in both males and females over all ethnic groups.
This syndrome is from a mutation of a gene on chromosome 15 and this causes problems in the production of fibrillin-1 which is a protein that is an important part of connective tissue. The name for the gene is FBN1. Basically, it is the “glue” that helps to support the tissues in the human body. A child born to a parent with this syndrome has a 50% of having it. However, in the remaining 25%, neither parent has the disease which gives them a 1 in 10,000 chance of having a child with this disorder. When a child of two unaffected parents is born with it then the genetic mutation occurs in either the egg or sperm cell at the time of conception.
How did you learn that Kyle has a disability? (Who was present? When did this happen?) If you were giving advice to professionals who need to explain to a parent that his/her child has a special need, what would that advice be?
When I was younger, I would get frequent headaches, which felt like knives going through my skull to say the least. As I got progressively older, the symptoms would get worse until even the slightest inconvenience, such as coughing, would render me paralyzed for several minutes because of the immense pain felt at the back of my head. In May 2013, I would finally be diagnosed with Chiari Malformation. Chiari, in simple terms, is a brain disorder in which the brain is too large for the skull, so the brain hangs over into the spine. This causes
Dandy-Walker Syndrome or Dandy-Walker Malformation is a congenital malformation of the cerebellum and the fluid filled space surrounding it. The malformation can include an enlargement of the fourth ventricle, a partial or complete absence of the space between the two hemispheres of the cerebellum (called the vermis), and a cyst formation near the lowest part of the skull (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke [NINDS], 2016). Dandy-Walker Syndrome is found in approximately 1 of 25,000 to 35,000 live births and is more prevalent in females than males (NORD-National Organization for Rare Disorders, 2008). Although an exact case is not known, the syndrome may be a result of defects in the embryonic development of the cerebellum. Research has found that in some cases patients have chromosomal abnormalities. Dandy-Walker may also be caused by genetic abnormalities or environmental factors, teratogens (NORD-National Organization for Rare Disorders, 2008). Maternal diabetes and infections passed through the mother to the fetus may also result in a child born with Dandy-Walker Syndrome (Childrens National Health System, 2016).
Trisomy 9 Mosaicism syndrome is an uncommon chromosomal condition in which the entire 9th chromosome appears three times, rather than twice in some cells of a person. This disease symptoms may vary greatly in severity, depending on the percentage of cells with the extra chromosome. Some of its common features involve pre-natal growth deficiency, mental retardation, structural malformations of the heart at birth, and physical abnormalities of the skull and facial region. Trisomy 9 Mosaicism can be caused by errors during the division of the parent's reproductive cells or during the division of body tissue cells early in the development of the embryo. Chromosomes are even subdivided into bands that are numbered outward from the centromere. For
DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA: Prenatal onset of marked growth deficiency, microcephaly with secondary premature synostosis. Receding forehead, prominent nose micrognathia low set ears malformed ears with the lack of lobule down slanting palpebral fissures. Clinodactyly of fifth finger
Microcephaly is a rare neurological condition in which an infant's head is significant than the rest of the babies of the same age and gender. It can occur because a baby’s brain has not developed properly during pregnancy or has stopped growing after birth. There are over 50 known causes for this rare condition. Microcephaly can occur with no other major birth defects, or it can occur in combination with other major birth defects. There is no telling how long a someone with this condition will live. Some may die after birth and others will live a longer life. Just because they have microcephaly does not mean they can’t live a normal life.
Psychopathy Along with his sexual sadism and BPD, Chikatilo was very likely a psychopath. Just like Chikatilo, 81% of psychopathic rapists are opportunistic (as cited in Pozzulo et al, 2015, p. 312). Chikatilo waited around bus stops and train stations looking for people who were easy targets. A place where people were traveling so it may take longer for others to notice these individuals missing. These hunting grounds were full of opportunity to watch prey unnoticed and find ideal targets.
The Li- Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) is a rare disease that increases the risk of developing several types of cancer, mainly in kids, and young adults. Major causes of the syndrome are changes in the tumor suppressor gene. What that means is a protein that stops the cells from growing and dividing too rapidly or in an uncontrolled way. There are a lot of symptoms for this disease but just to name a few there are acute leukemia, neoplasm of the lungs, breast, colon, and the adrenal cortex. 90% of people get leukemia, breast, colon, and adrenal cortex cancer.
. There are many factors thought to be involved in the cause of encephalocele. Family history of spina bifida and anencephaly are thought to be contributing genetic factors. Exposure to certain environmental toxins and amniotic band syndrome are also believed to factors. Folic acid supplementation cann greatly decrease the chance of having a baby with a neural tube defect
The Chimera of Arezzo (first half of the fourth century., Bronze) was made by the Etruscans. It was found in Arezzo in 1553. It is believed to be part of group of bronze statues depicting a battle. The Chimera is a part of Greek mythology. A monster believed to breathe fire. Its defeat to the hero Bellerophon was a legend, which is why it is portrayed as a battle locked creature bleeding and ready to attack. This sculpture was created as an offering to a god believed to be commissioned by a wealthy Etruscan. It shows how the Etruscans used many different influences from different cultures and made them their own.