The disease process is just a rash that appears over fourteen to sixteen days then starts to crust over the rash over a period of four to seven days, and there is no etiology. The other name for is Varicella and only happens you get an infection with the varicella-zoster virus. The history of chickenpox is that there has been multiple deaths recorded due to the vaccination of chickenpox. The death toll for chicken pox is zero because chickenpox is just a rash.
There has never been any pandemics or epidemics due to the random occurrences of chickenpox. Chickenpox is not like the flu and can never cause epidemics or pandemic .The symptoms of chickenpox are fever, tiredness, loss of appetite, and headaches. Chickenpox is acute not chronic. The
Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) causes the infection of chickenpox, but you are more likely to get infected by touching someone that already has the disease. The disease can spread by: saliva, coughing, sneezing, and contact with the fluid from the blisters.
Shingles is a virus that causes a tender rash located anywhere on the body. The torso and face are common areas for shingles to occur, and usually appears just as a strip of blisters. The shingles virus can affect anybody, but is more likely to occur in adults. Varicella-zoster virus, which causes chickenpox, can lead to shingles. Once someone has had chickenpox, it remains in the body located in nerve tissue close to the spinal cord. After a number of years, it can reappear as the shingles virus. The virus remains in the body and can flare up at different times, but some people never experience the return of this virus. It is not possible to get shingles if one has never been exposed to chickenpox.
Shingles is a very painful and often a very harmful condition. This virus is generated by the same virus (herpes zoster) none as chickenpox’s. After one gets chickenpox, the virus can lie inactive in the sensory nerves for at least 20 years. It reappears when the disease fighting system is weakened by age, disease or unmanaged stress. When events happen that decrease the disease fighting system, such as getting older, extreme emotional stress, extreme illness, or long-term usage of drugs, the disease fighting system cannot hold down and stop the inactive organisms any longer and they become active again, causing infection along the pathway of the nerve. Shingles is a very painful disease that affects the immune system; however,
Since shingles is caused by the herpes zoster virus, it would be able to spread chickenpox to those who never had chickenpox. They would not develop the shingles rash itself.
Starting from the beginning; Varicella or chicken pox is an infectious disease that can be characterized by an itchy skin rash. The rash usually appears a few days after exposure and can spread throughout the entire body accompanied with fever, fatigue, and flu like symptoms. Each rash blister will dry out and form a scab which then falls off in the course of healing. Getting chicken pox more than
Smallpox is known as a deadly disease usually bringing its uprising back in the early 70's. In 1973 a young child in Bangladesh caught an unknown disease. Scientist worked hard on the kid and found a regular vaccine to it but it was too late a group of food donors that worked in the U.S brought the disease back home.The U.S went on national alert trying to vaccinate anyone they could.So the uprising came.
If you have had chickenpox during your childhood, it is sure that the virus has stayed in your system for numerous of years. But the virus has then been reactivated in later life, and that’s what causes the skin disease called “Shingles,” to develop. As well as chickenpox, there are other diseases which weakens our immune system. For example, HIV and/or AIDS can also cause Shingles to develop. Shingles is not considered a life threatening virus, but can become quite painful. Shingles is an extraordinarily painful condition that involves inflammation of sensory nerves.
The agent factor is the presence of the virus, Varicella zoster, in the epidemiologic triangle. The host factor would include mostly children less than fifteen years of age, but anyone who has not had chickenpox would be vulnerable to contract the disease. In most cases, a person usually only has one occurrence of chickenpox in their lifetime. After having chickenpox, however, the virus lies dormant in nerve tissue the brain and spinal cord, and may come back as shingles
Smallpox is an infectious virus that has influenced people for many centuries. Smallpox got its name from a latin word called ¨spotted¨ since you get those bumps that are red all over your body. You could easily prevent this disease.
In Robert Alter’s literary analysis of A Tale of Two Cities, The Demons of History in Dickens’s Tale, his central emphasis converges with the ideal that the novel tends to stray from his preceding works. Alter essentially deems A Tale of Two Cities as an “uncharacteristic expression of his genius (94),” which he believes is a result of his distinctive writing style, deviating from his jollyness, humor, and warmth. He primarily believes that Dickens attempts to convey a strong sense of emotion by means of melodramatic storytelling to “persist in a kind of splendid, self-transcending unevenness (94).” Additionally, Alter claims Dickens utilizes a distinguishable contrast between the elements of “picturesque” and “dramatic immediacy” to enhance Dickens’s focus on
Shingles are more likely to show up in adults who have had the chickenpox in their childhood. The shingles are caused by a viral infection known as the varicella-zoster virus. This virus is part of a group of viruses called herpes viruses (herpes zoster). Although shingles is part of this group, it is not the same in that it is not a virus that is responsible for sexually transmitted diseases. Shingles can be very painful and cause many types of infections, but it is not life-threatening and it is treatable.
Gun ownership is on the rise and even college students want firearms now. Since 1999 college students owning firearms for protection has increased over 19 percent (DiMauro 17). With this rise whether or not these numbers should increase has become a heated issue. As of now 26 colleges allow concealed carry on campuses, totaling in over 70 campuses(Burnett) and many others are in consideration. Organizations such as Students for Concealed Carry are at work to educate the public on the truths of how on campus carry would to some degree benefit college students, professors, and all visitors. Firearms can be and should be allowed on college campuses primarily because it is a not only a fundamental right guaranteed by the constitution but also
Christopher Lee, who died the 07.06.2015 aged 93, following respiratory problems and heart failure, was one of the most famous actors from Britain.
The Varicella-Zoster virus causes a very infectious disease called Chickenpox. Chickenpox is usually acquired through the inhalation of airborne respiratory droplets from an infected host. Chickenpox is primarily acquired during childhood , with more than 90% of all reported cases occurring in children under the age of 10. A person with chickenpox can spread the virus without even showing any signs or symptoms. It is usually most easily transmitted two to three days before a rash appears and keeps that high transmission rate until the blisters have crusted over.
Chicken Pox is a virus caused by varicella-zoster, a member of the herpes family. This same virus also is a cause of herpes zoster other known as shingles in adults. Chicken pox is very contagious and can easily spread to people. Chicken pox is acquired by coming into contact with the fluid of a chicken pox blister, or airborne by an infected person sneezing near you. The blister-like rash usually lasts five to ten days. The incubation period lasts 10-21 days and a person with chickenpox becomes contagious one to two days before their blisters appear. The person with chicken pox remains contagious until all the blisters have crusted