
Child Abuse: Annotated Bibliography

Decent Essays

Child abuse is something that is very serious, and happens more often than it should in the world today. According to our class notes social policy is principles that help towards ending many issues. Our main goal in this world should be to make sure that everyone’s well-being is safe as long as we can help it. Especially when it comes to children that have little to no say in certain situations it’s our job as a society to make sure that they are safe, and live in a safe environment. The article I found was published in April of 2014 in the Lubbock Avalanche Journal. The articles title is ‘Our View: Child abuse is an epidemic; here’s what we need to do”. To summarize the article would be to say that child abuse is something that needs to …show more content…

It is an issue that is often overlooked, or sometimes not brought into the light like it should be. By making sure that everyone has proper education when it comes to child abuse could potentially help end it, because people would be aware of what signs to look for, and how to report child abuse. I know before becoming an HDFS major and taken many children classes I was unaware of what signs to look for, and how important it was to report cases so that the child could get the help they needed. Also, by working in a daycare it has also helped me be more aware of child abuse situations. Another important aspect of helping end child abuse would be to make sure families are getting their needs met. There are cases of child abuse where the parents do not have a job, or have drug problems and the kids’ needs are not getting met, and sometimes the parents either and that can be a way that child abuse is started. Our culture knows that child abuse is something that should not be happening, and by getting the community involved and people standing up against it, and education people would help prevent it happen. I think that it a good idea to have a Child Abuse Awareness month so that people can understand what an issue that this is. There are already many statewide prevention programs that are aimed to help protect children against violence and abuse and by making more of those in each state

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