
Child Abuse Case Study Michelleman

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Michelle Coleman is a 25-year-old Caucasian divorced mother of three children ranging from ages 1 to 6. She is currently receiving services at The Arc of Bradford. Michelle has been divorced from her ex-husband James for three months due to domestic violence. There has been several incidents reported to the police and she now has a standing restraining order against James, he is prohibited from seeing her and the children. Michelle and her three child have been receiving regular public assistance to include housing vouchers, food stamps, and she is also utilizing the TANF program to enable her in providing for the children without the assistance of ex-husband James. Michelle is a high school graduate but has never worked. With aid from the …show more content…

Michelle states that he started drinking once the child was born, but was never physically abusive just yelling and put downs in front of the children. She states that his drinking had gotten worst when she became pregnant with the second child and so did the abuse. He begin to get in her face more, which soon became physical leaving bruises. Over the years the abuse would slow down but did not stop. Michelle is afraid for the safety of herself and her children. The oldest two children had made statements of hating their father and wanting mommy to move away so they can be a happy family. Michelle states that she had not heard from James for some time but thinks that him receiving the papers in the mail concerning her requesting sole custody of the children may be the cause of him seeking her out. Michelle states that she final has gotten her life on track and is afraid he will hurt her or the children. During her initial session Michelle reviewed and signed an Intake Form stating in writing that her ex-husband James is not to have access to her file information. According to NOHS (2015) Standard 3: “Human service professionals protect the client's right to privacy and confidentiality except when such confidentiality would cause serious harm to the client or others, when agency guidelines state otherwise, or under other stated conditions (e.g., local, state, or federal laws). Human service professionals inform clients of the limits of confidentiality prior to the onset of the helping

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