Your friend Jane works at an outpatient treatment program for people who abuse cocaine. She recently implemented a contingency management program but it has not been very successful. She calls you and says "I know I must be doing something wrong with my program, but I don't know how to fix it. Can you help?" Describe what questions you might ask and what recommendations you might make to Jane to help her make her program more
In his book “The Cocaine Kids” Williams (1989) suggests that implementing ethnographical research is significant in order to disclose a detailed account of the cocaine kids, and their lifestyle. On a broad scale, ethnography is a research method that studies the culture of the subject at hand. When looking deeper, it also analyzes key social dynamics that can stem from structural factors such as hierarchical systems present in the community being researched. Similar to observational research, Williams made notes of the cocaine kids in their natural setting, while doing what they would normally do. This is to ensure that his presence does not raise suspicion and allows for quantitative measures including basic details of age, sex, and race;
According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 8.1% of Australians aged 14 years and over have used cocaine one or more times in their life. Cocaine abuse can lead to many harmful complications to the human body, one of the most prevalent being harm to the Cardiovascular System, as suggested by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Due to such abuse, medical complications arise, leading to experimental investigative research processes to take place that aim to discover the causes of drug abuse and the results of constant abuse to deliver a proposed treatment option. Though the research field develops, its financial sources are empowered by the government’s collection of taxes from the general public. This report
Teresa is a four year old child who tested positive for crack cocaine at birth. She was immediately taken into custody. For the first three months of her life, she was placed in foster care. During this time, her mother, Emilia, was remanded into drug treatment, which she did not complete. Her father was nowhere to be found, so she was placed in kinship care with her grandparents at the age of three months. They are currently in the process of adopting her. Her mother states that she would like to work towards regaining a parental role in Teresa’s life, but acknowledges that her life is currently too unstable to do so.
A link has been found between prenatal cocaine exposure and adolescent development. Prenatal cocaine exposure (PCE) disrupts the monoaminergic neurotransmitter system in the prefrontal cortex, affecting emotional and behavioral arousal and regulation, attention, and stress response (Levitt, Thompson, & Stanwood , 2009). Several studies have documented PCE-related behavioral problems in childhood and preadolescence. Such behavioral problems include defiant disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and depressive symptoms.
On November 5, 2015 Edinboro University hosted an event in the student center. It was a two hour seminar on heroin use. There were speakers on how heroin have been around the Erie community for years. People who have used heroin in the past talked about how it have affected their lives. This seminar and the speakers used this event to respond what has happened in their community. While the program was going on I learned some facts on actually what heroin can do to someone when continually using.
Over the last two decades, the National Institute on Drug Abuse has estimated that consistently 40,000 infants every year are destined to moms who have utilized cocaine amid their pregnancy. Sadly, the result is out of line for these kids, in light of the fact that the mothers do not understand that they are also in charge of a life separate from their own. These kids usually have different levels of comprehension of things and do not understand the way to behave in our “normal” society. The levels of comprehension differ in every child as per the mother's utilization of cocaine, leading to a drastic social defect that takes place in later years of the child. The question that can be asked regarding this aspect is “What are the characteristics
I’m hoping this letter finds you as well as the circumstances allow, I know you have no clue who I am, but I’ve been praying for you for months. See, a few months ago my baby and I were seated next to the nicest woman at the hair salon and we ended up chatting for a couple of hours. She was overflowing with love for this little one that was still shaking with tremors from becoming addicted to drugs while in his mother’s womb. As she described him and the therapy and the fussiness and all of the appointments and care this tiny baby needed she spoke with such hope that all of this love and care would one day overshadow any delays or developmental needs that might become apparent as he grows. She was experienced with this and this wasn’t her first rodeo with weaning drug-addicted babies. She had been successful before and was confident she would be again.
Cocaine, a narcotic drug that took the entire world by storm in the 1980’s, has continued to find it’s way into countries all over the world. The drug is a highly addictive stimulant that is extracted from the leaves of the Erythroxylon coca bush, which is indigenous to the Andean highlands of South America. It comes in two main forms, powder and crystalline, also known as “crack” (“Cocaine Use and Its Effects”). Although the short term effects of cocaine seem somewhat harmless, the long term effects are devastating and have ruined the lives of many users. The short and long term effects of cocaine can be seen on Ishmael Beah, and his companions in the novel A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah.
As soon as birth, children are exposed to new things; new life experiences that will develop the path of which direction their life will take. Adolescence is the most important time in a child’s life because it is where they learn appropriate behavior from their family and the outside world. Some children are able to use these experiences to differentiate at an early age what is right and what is wrong and hopefully carry this into adulthood. What happens when children are exposed to the wrong experiences at an early age? What happens if children assume that what they are seeing is okay because one of their parents are
This paper will provide a brief history and description of cocaine and explain its addictive qualities from both a biological and neurological perspectives. It will also explain the neurological affects that causes its addictive qualities. Clinical issues discussing cocaine abuse treatments will be reviewed considering the process of the neurotransmitters that contribute to cocaine addictive behaviors and the medical treatments designed to help with the withdrawal symptoms, cravings, and the impulsive nature of the drug. In addition, ethical issues and the future outlook of the drug will be examined. Lastly, the paper entails spiritual aspects of drug addiction, and how it impacts one’s choice of freedom, and offers consideration
Drug addiction is a serious issue in not only America today, but globally. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, substance addiction is a “chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite the harmful consequences” (“What is drug addiction?”). Drug abuse affects not only the user, but those around the user as well. The actions of a drug user place a significant amount of worry on the people that are closest to them such as friends and family. Children with parents who are addicted to drugs or alcohol can be severely affected by the actions of their parents which can cause them much harm in terms of biological and
Charlie, Miley, Snow White, Blow, Sniff, all names for the popular white powered substance, cocaine. Cocaine is one of the oldest, shortest-lived, most powerful stimulants in the world. Cocaine has been used, abused, and recycled throughout America’s history. For example, in 1886, John Pemberton, inventor of the carbonated delicacy, Coca-Cola, used cocaine in his recreation of a soft drink. It comes to no surprise since cocaine was widely renowned for the euphoric and energizing effects it gave to the consumer. Luckily, the substance was removed from the drink in 1903. Although now illegal in America, cocaine is still extensively taken advantage of as a recreational drug. Cocaine’s damaging effects
The most obvious challenges faced in this study would be getting people to admit that they use cocaine. Although it was wrong for these researches to leave out information about what the study really was for, in a way they had to lie to find accurate statistics. It is very difficult for anybody to admit that they are using a drug of that caliber, even if it’s to a person is wearing a white coat. Also, cocaine is an illegal drug. Asking people to participate in a study on their of cocaine is essentially self-incriminating. The researchers wouldn’t expect the subjects to fully trust them. I’m sure many participants would’ve been reserved because of the potential penalties involve with disclosing that information.
Cocaine use in society increased and the dangers of the drug gradually became more evident. Public pressure forced the Coca-Cola company to remove the cocaine from the soft drink in 1903.
Cocaine can be identified as a white powder which can then be snorted up a person’s nose, an alternative method to taking is to inject directly into the blood stream. Crack Cocaine comes about by chemically altering the Cocaine powder to form hard crystals, which can be known as ‘rocks’.