Child abuse has been the most intriguing issue in most of the third world countries. The primary individual who receives more trauma, humiliation and stigma is the child. Abuse is not a good way to support the growth and development of the children. It is not also supported by the people namely social workers because of the negative effects that it may bring to the children which might reflect in their future self. Moreover, there are programs and organization that promotes the activities against the child abuse.
Background and Problem Statement
Child abuse is not only defined as the physical mistreatment or sexual aggressiveness, but also involved the child’s feeling of being
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Significance of the Study
Through addressing the prevalence of child abuse in the society, the people can be oriented about the effects of child abuse for their children. Moreover, the study is a great tool to voice out the different nature of child abuse, its existence in any parts of the world, and recommending ideas that can reduce the existence of child abuse.
Literature Review
The child abuse may range in physical (involves shaking, hitting, beating, burning, or biting a child), emotional (involves blaming or putting down a child, yelling, or shaming), sexual (incest in sexual activity, exposure to sexual stimulation which is not appropriate for the child’s age), and neglect (failure to attend the needs of a child). However, everyone can stop the child abuse. The parents who are under the stress might be the first people to show abuse on their children. With the child abuse, the child’s care, education, relationship, and safety are in peril. The consequences on children with the abusive environment, often the children are expected to behave like an adult. If the children failed to perform on the expectation of the parents, the children are often subject to punish just to control them. Apparently, the abusive parents have no idea on the right ways to teach the right behavior for their child. Moreover, the parents and caretakers abuse the children as the one responsible for their anger
Every day children around the world are being abused by their parents, trusted adult, caregiver and peers. Children are constantly suffering when there are things that everyone as a community can do help them. Psychologists, social workers and the victims to childhood abuse have studied and worked together to establish precautionary measures to execute child abuse all together.
This paper will study the forms of child abuse, the cause, and the effects of child abuse, legality system, and solutions to reduce the problem in our society.
Abuse usually occurs due to poverty, lack of education, marital problems, changing of environments, family violence, and lack of support from family members, loneliness, social isolation, unemployment and many other factors which also relates to non-accidental incidents by caregivers, parents, older adolescents or other adults that is not within the norms of conduct and whom necessitates a considerable risk of inflicting physical or emotional harm to a child. Incidents like this can be un-intentional but other people also intentionally abuse their child which includes commission and omission. Instead of coming home to a safe environment, 40,844 children are abused. Evidentially child abuse is a very serious contemporary issue which has acquired many legal and non-legal
Introduction / Purpose of paper The mistreatment of children is a very saddening social problem in our American society. Child abuse has a very lengthy history. Children have been abused by their parents since the beginning of time. According to my research, for many centuries throughout most of our human history, laws have failed to protect children from this abuse.
Children are seriously suffering from this hidden epidemic of physical child abuse every day and the fatality rates are vastly excelling. By analytically identifying the contributing factors to the perception of physical child abuse in many diverse cultures and communities, major concepts related to the endangered lives of children and the impact of child maltreatment will be revealed in order to gain an understanding of this impending
Child abuse is defined as, “any intentional action, emotional, physical, psychological, or sexual, which lessens or eliminates a child’s personal dignity, individual safety, or basis human rights. It is a painful and costly national tragedy and it is at the root of many other societal problems’ (Educator’s Resource Manual on Child Abuse [ERMCD], n.d.). There are a number of reasons to prevent child abuse and promote awareness.
Child abuse is epidemic in many countries as well as the United States. It is estimated that every thirteen seconds a child is abused in some manner: physically, sexually, emotionally or by neglect (Friedman). Each year, there are over 3 million reports of child abuse in the United States involving more than 6 million children. Child abuse can be reduced with proper education of the parents and with greater public awareness.
• Violence against children is from serious social phenomena. Any child who has been badly abused will suffer from lack of affection that will grow up with him. Parents should find out the best ways to encourage their kids and take care of them, such as provision of health and psychological care for the child. 3- Body2 •
INTRODUCTION: “Child Abuse occurs when a parent or a care taker physically, emotionally, or sexually mistreats or neglects a child resulting in the physical, emotional, or sexual harm or imminent risk of harm or exploitation, or in extreme cases the death of a child,” child abuse is a big deal because in today’s society many children face abuse, there are many effects and reasons as to why a child may be abuse.
A report of child abuse is made every ten seconds. David Pelzer wrote two books named A Child Called It and The Lost Boy about his experience through child abuse and how he made the best of the situation. It had motivated me to want to research and discover more about the topic. Sadly, I found out that child abuse is still a big issue today. It’s very important that people know after all the horrendous effects after child abuse, it can all be controlled to live a life just like anyone else. The main focus on this paper is to be able to obtain the “good life” after child abuse, one will have to be able to support himself, mental health will have to be stable and physical health in good condition. Child abuse has a huge effect on adult prosperity
Although child abuse has soon become a more discussed issue, it is nothing new in today’s society. Dating back to ancient times, physical child abuse has always attributed to lives of people around the world. Approaching and understanding child mistreatment has changed as societies have modernized and progressed; whereas one thing remains an unalterable issue, child abuse happens constantly and continuously worldwide.
Child abuse in American today is amongst the most saddened topics of mankind. Many children are subjected to neglect and abuse on a daily basis. The sex and age of child makes no difference when it comes to child abuse.. Boys and girls are equally likely to suffer maltreatment. The problem is how often child abuse goes unreported. Millions of children across the world are abused in some way, whether it is verbal, emotional, physical or sexual. Child abuse has been happening all over the world to young children, however many children keep this a secret because of fear of what could happen. Child Abuse consists of any act of commission or omission that endangers or impairs a child’s physical or emotional health and development. It can be
Child abuse is just one of the problems in America we face today. Child abuse affects a child’s mind, emotional state of being and this type of abuse or cruelty molds a person to whom they are by the age of eighteen and is a worldwide prevailing occurrence. “Child abuse or ill-treatment creates all forms of physical and /or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power.” Child sexual abuse had been extensively known as one of the distress in a child’s life. Previous study have delivered tough indication of child sexual abuse is connected with a quantity of psychological, social, and mental health problems. Depression, anxiety, alcohol and drug abuse, and most illnesses among adult child sexual abuse victims. Former analyses have stated that some of the fears include sexual illnesses, victimization, and close acquaintance violence. In recent times, it has been establish that various physical health conditions are connected to child sexual abuse. In accumulation, child sexual abuse fighters have been found to accomplish less in knowledge and revenue.
People may not be aware, but any one of their peers, friends, or neighbors may be victims of child abuse. Every day, someone experiences physical, emotional, neglect, and/or sexual abuse. Abuse can lead to death or injury for the rest of a victim's life, from either the perpetrator or themselves. In order to prevent child abuse society must: recognize the types of abuse, understand common causes of abuse, know the characteristics of abusers, and realize the effects abuse has, not just on the child, but on families and communities across the world.
Children all around the world are going through a lot when it comes to child abuse, especially the children in the United States. According to Child Abuse Statistics (2012) more than three million reports of child abuse in the United States and these reports involves more than six million children. The United Stated have a really high number of child abuse crime compared to other countries. Every ten seconds a report of child abuse is made. The United Stated lose about four to seven children every day because of child abuse and three out of four of these children of under four year old. Child abuse is a serious problem in the United Stated and the numbers of report and death of children to child abuse increasing.