
Child Abuse In 'Let's Play Doctor'

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In “Let’s Play Doctor,” Nura Amin, showcases the lives of four young girls and the abuse they undertake as children and as teens. As well as how they handle the abuse they receive and how it affects the way they play and over the span of twelve years. Child abuse is considered normal for a lot of people, not just children. Even during the time “Let’s Play Doctor” was written. Nura Amin exposes parent’s abuse against their children, as an ordinary everyday occurrence from small children to almost adults. Child abuse is typical in a lot of homes, in Nura Amin’s “Let’s Play Doctor” it is centered on four young girls, who play a game called “doctor.” These young girls play naked and one girl receives a beating from her mother for losing her …show more content…

“Alya’s little sister no longer left the apartment.” (Amin 39) This is twelve years later, so no one but Alya’s immediate family knows why this is the case, or cares to explain to anyone why her sister reacts to the abuse in this manner. Possibly because she had endured more abuse and possibly sexual abuse from her father, could be the reason why she kept herself in the house, and was able to remove her clothing without thinking too much about it. “Sometimes the little sister stood naked throughout the entire game, regardless of the risk of catching influenza- from cold or from fear- until it was her turn to be examined. (Amin …show more content…

Abuse is a hardship that many people face. Not all of them are children. Adults that abuse their children as well as other family members were most likely abused as children themselves. This shows us that children are products of their environment. They give what they get, Alya’s father as well as Hana’s mother show abusive tendencies towards their children. For what a lot of people would consider small things these days. Forgetting undergarments, falling in love, and mimicking. Children are subject to abuse because they are small and aren’t easily able to defend themselves, making them the best targets for

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