
Child Abuse Laws

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Have you ever wondered about how someone could hurt a child? Sometimes even their own child? How terrible is that. Child abuse is becoming a more common issue throughout the world. Whether it’s physical, sexual, or emotional. How effective has the English government been in preventing child abuse, What have they done or what are they doing to help these children out of this awful situations? While at first it may appear, That the English government is not doing anything to prevent child abuse, but really they are trying. A closer look reveals, That the English government, has new Laws to prevent Child abuse. Like, the Cinderella Law, to stop not only Physical, and sexual abuse, but also emotional abuse which sometimes is not taken as seriously …show more content…

By using this Law, or other laws similar, We can minimize the number of Child abuse cases in England. On another note, these laws could also help give the abusers the punishment they deserve. As a result of these laws, they are cutting down the number of child abuse victims, and helping children live the lives, they deserve to live. Which will benefit these children, as adults. So, the English government, is most definitely helping abused children get out of awful situations, and helping them from even happening in the first place.
In the past, the was not a lot done to help prevent child abuse, not because... we didn’t think it was wrong, but simply because we believed that it was not our business how parents punished their children. Then, after the cases started getting worse, and it started being more common for some parents to take punishment “too far”, they decide to start trying Child Abuse Prevention Plans. The ones involved in the prevention of Child Abuse believe we are doing everything we possibly can to make things better. Others not involved, or even some victims of abuse that have not reached out yet, believe we are doing little, to nothing, to help. They are now making laws to prevent child abuse in …show more content…

This shows how, New laws are helping prevent, and remove children from these awful situations. The English government is preventing child abuse by putting the abusers in jail, and trying to convince people not to hold in the secrets about their abuse until it’s too late to help them. This makes it harder to have evidence, and find proof that the abuse actually did take place. Which will upset the victims because they know the truth. Child abuse is wrong, and some believe we are not doing enough to help these children in need. The English government is doing more than enough to help prevent, and take children out of these situations. According to, Report Details 16 Years Of 'Horrific Abuse' Of Children In U.K. Town… “"It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse the child victims suffered. They were raped by multiple perpetrators. They were trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England. They were abducted, beaten and intimidated," Jay said. Rotherham is a town of a quarter-million people in northern England. One question this raises is how such widespread abuse could have gone on for 16 years without local

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