
Child Abuse: The Turbin Family

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Child abuse causes various problems in children’s lives. Not only can the abuse affect how the child grows up, it affects them everywhere they go in their life. Multiple studies have been conducted on children to see how they would react in specific situations. The result shows in high anger and rage management issues and all of the child’s other emotions seem to be heightened. A Harvard Medical School professor, Bessel Van Der Kolk, did a five year study on 528 traumatized patients to produce these diagnoses on the patients. Because abuse has such a major effect on the child, it is one of the most common reasons for low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, difficulty in performance at family events, and other addictions which …show more content…

The Turbin family is a good example of how the parents abused their kids by starving them and not properly treating them like they are supposed to. The parents were strict on the children, such as not letting them washing their hands above their wrist and only taking showers once a year (Helling 51). The biggest effect goes on the child whose abuse started when they were infants or an exceptionally young child. Since the child was so young when the abuse began, they are influenced and have more vulnerability towards this trauma so it permanently scars the child throughout their life. Child abuse starts with an unhappy parent. Most of the time parents are not content with something else that is going on in their life and they tend to take it out on whatever is closest to them, which happens to be their child. As discussed in William A. Check’s book, the Canadian Medical Association put together an academic definition of what child abuse means, concluding that it is when an individual who has custody upon the child misuses their power over the child causing them to be put into harm and suffer (Check 15). Adults are scared of what they will do to their child when they are angry and lash out. They …show more content…

Cortisol levels are steroid hormones discharged from adrenal glands. The use of them in the body is to help manage sugar levels in the body, control metabolism, decrease inflammation, and aid in formulating the memory. They have an effect on salt and water balance to regulate blood pressure, which is a supervisor for everything else. The abused child’s body is overfilled with flight or fight hormones because the child normally does not have a safe place to go and they feel like they are always in danger. Abused children are regularly running on a high because of how high their stress levels are since they do not know what the next day will bring for them. Conclusions can be made that child abuse is credible for psychological actions and diverse amounts of other health issues that could be a leading support to personality disorder, for example, being antisocial, having a borderline personality, or a multiple personality disorder (Kelman and Stavropoulos 4). With all these possible outcomes it can lead to more complex problems in the child’s life which is going to be harder to get rid of when the child becomes an

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