In the child care center where I work, I have observed a 4-year-old boy who was diagnosed with learning disabilities. His strength is that he likes to do art. At the art table, the teacher asks the children in small group activities to draw anything while she gives them construction paper and crayons. He effectively draws her dad, mom, and sister He is describing the picture by naming each family member while the teacher writes down their name under each picture. He demonstrates a learning disposition of creativity and imagination. She shows fine motor control when using the crayon to draw the picture. She also has the ability to use different shapes to express her ideas about her family. She has shown that she is mastering the basic forms
For the classroom observation assignment I was able to observe at Stepping Stones Family Childcare and Preschool Program. I conducted observations for five hours each on the dates of September 24th and September 25th of the year 2015. This licensed home-based daycare and preschool program is located in a quiet suburban neighborhood on 4103 Bryant Street, Blasdell, New York. The facility allows for a twelve-child capacity (ages 6 weeks to 12 years with four additional school age) and is owned and founded by Kim Bannister. When I observed, there were two additional staff present. Therefore, there were a total of 3 adults and 12 children at the center when I observed. New York State Senator Marc C. Panepinto was also present on September 25th as he read to the children and toured the home. I chose this specific setting as I personally thought it would be an interesting dynamic to study how a home-based preschool program is run.
1. The sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth to 19 are the following:
According to Cook Children’s Hospital, the Kid Center webpage provides information for parents and children to learn about their bodies and how to stay healthy (Cook Children's Health Care System, 2018). The Kid Center presents literature that addresses the parents and children to gain a better understanding of children’s health and wellness, along with a topic of school-age children’s issues. An example of children’s issues at school includes school work and bullying. The “Kid Center” web page at Cooks Children’s Hospital identifies the target population as parents of grade-schoolers and grade schools (Cook Children's Health Care System, 2018). According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (2018), grade-schoolers
I moved to Missouri from Texas after graduate school is because I much-loved the state of Missouri and having the privilege to serve its unfortunate populations unquestionably is a plus. I have been employed by the Missouri Department of Social Services, Children’s Division, as a Children’s Services Worker. My time as a Children’s Services Worker at Hillsboro has been filled with outstanding, memorable days involving the imperative work of serving our children, our families and our staff with the kind of love, compassion, energy and intense devotion it takes to make a positive transformation in the Jefferson County community.
At the Lehman Day Care center, I observed children from ages three to four years old. Students are mostly Hispanic, few are Asian, and their only two students that are Black. There are two male East African teachers and a Latino female teacher assistant. The main teacher set up assignments for the class and the second teacher helps the students to complete their assignments most of the time. The job of the teacher assistant is to help set up student’s food and help with any language barrier between Latino students and the main teacher.
Thank you for the wishes. Your presentation looks very professional. However, I was unsure to whom the presentation was aimed to: general population, researchers, or grant provider. Nevertheless, it gives the impression that it is directed to researchers. I have a suggestion: slides should provide a more broad idea or information. Is in the footnotes where you provide more detail about the slide. I also consider that if stats were presented individually with a dramatic picture, would be more striking (see attachment). However, the statistics shown in your presentation are compelling and strengthen the message of carrying further research for developing more interventions for children in foster care. I wish you the best of success in your career
The Lincoln Child Center’s main facility is located in West Oakland, California. It is a non-public organization formed of services and programs that provide care for children, youth, and families. Lincoln offers direct community, home, and school based services for over eighteen-hundred children, youth and families (Senior Director of Research and Evaluation, personal communication, August 3, 2015). Additionally through the Kinship, Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation, and Family Resource Center programs, Lincoln implements services directly to over six-hundred caregivers, with nearly twenty-five hundred direct service clients. For the fiscal year of 2015-2016, the agency’s overall budget is twenty-million dollars (Finance Director,
In this research article, there are a few research questions being presented. The overall topic however is child care and how that affects behavior and development as we grow up. The first one is discussing long term effects of child care. This involves considering the quality, quantity, and the type of child care. Another question that is presented discusses how each of the aspects I had just mentioned relates to academics and behavior as well. The final question being presented discusses effects from early child care coming up later in life or disintegrating completely.
This worker arrived at Happy Kids Daycare at approximately 5 p.m. When the children were picked up they were very excited to tell this worker about their Christmas. They stated they got several items including a Xbox 360 with games, a boxing glove, action figures, shoes, and clothing. They stated they could not wait to play with their thing during the visit.
The Kids Learning Centre is a privately-owned day care facility and non-formal educational institution for children up to 12 years old. It is located at the heart of the City of Downtown, just behind The Business Building, a convenient place where parents and guardians can drop off their children safely. It operates from 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM daily, and closes only during major holidays.
The place of observation took place at my work, before I clocked in for the day. I work at Oakwood Methodist Preschool/Daycare. I went in to the daycare at about 9:00, which is just free play/ breakfast time in the infant room. The infant room I observed in was a little different than the CDRC, because the infant room is from 7 weeks old to 18 months old. There was not really a place for me to be
Observation is very important in young children because that is how you get to know a child better. While observing how a child interacts with their peers, adults, and how they behave in different settings, you are getting to know the child without speaking to them.
This child care center flourishes with creativity. The environment is molded by family orientation and the thriving of learning. The building is red brick all the way around with black roofing. The outside has a look of professionalism and welcoming to all who enter. The flowers and shrubbery change by the season and the cleanliness of the area is inviting to all visitors. Upon coming in the front door, the warmth of the lobby is immediately comforting. The art work of the children grace the walls and the smells of the kitchen indicate the chef is at work preparing the meals of the day. All classrooms are open door and to all who wish to visit, with permission of
When I was a child my parents placed my sister and I in child care centers. There was also a year when we were placed in a family day care. My parents both worked and had no other choice but to have somebody else take care of their children. I remember both good things and bad things from my time in the child care centers and family daycare. The good memories do out way the bad memories so my thoughts and feelings of leaving my three year-old child in a facility would be positive based on my personal experience as being a child who was raised in child care centers.
Upon entering the Child Study Center, I was nervous at how the children would react to me, and if the children would want to interact with me. I went during the afternoon for each of my visits so unfortunately, I was only able to interact the fours. On my first day, Oct 9, 2017, I walked into the room where the activity centers were and observed how the children were interacting with the centers they were at and the children they were playing with.