I chose to observe at Foster Knox Child Care Center in Warrensburg, Missouri to finish up my observation hours. When viewing this facility, it was similar to Central Village by having different age groups separated by rooms. When I first walked into the facility I didn’t notice any labeling on the doors, to identify which age group took place in that room. However, I could easily tell by looking at the children who were in the room. To finish my observations all I needed was the age group 24-36 months. This age group I was observing was located in the back of the facility. As I entered the room, I noticed it was empty, no children to be found. I then realize that it was nap time. All children were in a separate room enclosed by a door that was connected to the room I entered in. When walking in I noticed two tables were in the center of the room. A tiny restroom area was in the far-left hand corner of the room which had a sink, water fountain, and a small toilet for the children to use frequently after every activity. There is a play area as well which was located right when you walk into the room. The room was bright, and had a lot of natural light coming in from the windows. Each child had their own hook and cubby basket for their items. There were several light fixtures; however, they were not being used …show more content…
During these first couple of years, they begin building brain structures that will support learning, and develop the physical abilities they will need to be mobile and independent throughout their life. As I am finishing off this semester in my Early Childhood Observation Class, I can easily spot, identify and understand children’s unique developmental patterns and needs. Now that I have a full understanding of a child’s development, it makes it easier to identify children who may not be progressing as well as they
1. Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth – 19years.
While regulation and standard are the keys to the success of a childcare facility, there are factors that I believe are equally important to be successful in an early childcare program. So, I looked for a highly qualified teacher with good communication skills. Saint Mary Academy Inc. displayed these factors upon entry to the facility. I saw degrees of teacher and directors ranging from masters to bachelor degrees specialized for the profession display behind the desk of the director for the day.
Every child is a unique child, and all children are at diverse stages in their development, henceforth they all have their own individual needs. There are numerous advantages for children when their individual needs are met. Children turn out to be a greater amount of a compelling and self-coordinated learner, as they are enhanced in their gifts and capabilities. They are given support to help progression and to reach goals in learning and development to meet the Early Years Foundation Stage guidance.
E1: Describe the main food groups that are essential to meet the basic needs of the body.
Children and young people should feel happy, safe, respected and included in the school or early years setting environment and all staff should be proactive in promoting positive behavior in the classroom, playground and the wider community. Policies and practice which make sure the safety and wellbeing of children should already be in place and it is this legislation develop through many years and experiences, and mistakes, that underpin the working practices that are used today.
A multi-agency approach is a range of professionals including speech therapists, Special Educational Needs Co-coordinator (SENCO) , key workers or physiotherapists etc. that all work together and support children and their families in provisions that need to be made in order to support a child with special needs. Working within close partnership with parents is expected for all babies and children within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
In this assignment I will be covering the assignment criteria for Unit 5 which is the principles underpinning the role of the practitioner working with children.
An onsite Daycare is a place directly located at the employers of parents with toddlers or babies who need full time child care while their parents are at work. It allows the parents the advantage of being close to their children while still being able to maintain stability with their careers.
In today’s society the majority of households have a family dynamic where both parents need to work. It is nearly impossible for most families in America to survive financially without two incomes. This puts many parents in a situation where they have to find extra help to watch their children while they are away at work. “These days couples face complex negotiations over work, family, child care, and housekeeping. It becomes evident that where traditional marriage through the centuries has been a partnership based on mutual dependency, modern marriage demands greater self-sufficiency” (Hekker). Day care becomes a necessity for many families, and the main concern for most parents is if the day care will be a positive experience for their
Daycare has become a controversy because of the great quantity of advantages and disadvantages that it involves. While a very large number of parents have to rely on child care centers because of career ambitions or financial needs that only their jobs can fulfill, most child psychiatrists believe that the ideal growing environment for an infant is at home with the family. The problem is that choosing the right caregiver, a good substitute for the parents, is very hard, and the consequences of a wrong decision can be very detrimental to the child’s personality development. This choice depends on many factors like culture, education and especially income. In fact, the financial availability plays the most
The organization under investigation is Child Protective Services, also referred to as CPS, which is an agency within the Department of Family and Protective Services. CPS is a governmental organization that has existed for years. The agency is designed to protect children from abuse and neglect. There are numerous cases that are called in on a daily basis in the state of Texas, and it is the duty of state employees to address all allegations in a timely manner. The positions held as a caseworker within the agency are either Investigator, Special Investigator, Family Based Safety Services Specialist, or Conservatorship Specialist. Due to the required work and deadlines involved with being a caseworker at CPS, the job can become very
The Kids Learning Centre is a privately-owned day care facility and non-formal educational institution for children up to 12 years old. It is located at the heart of the City of Downtown, just behind The Business Building, a convenient place where parents and guardians can drop off their children safely. It operates from 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM daily, and closes only during major holidays.
Observation is very important in young children because that is how you get to know a child better. While observing how a child interacts with their peers, adults, and how they behave in different settings, you are getting to know the child without speaking to them.
For 30 years, advocates, program administrators, and politicians have joined to encourage even more reports of suspected child abuse and neglect. Their efforts have been successful, with about three million cases of suspected child abuse having been reported in 1993. Large numbers of endangered children still go unreported, but a serious problem had developed: Upon investigation, as many as 65 percent or the reports now being made are determined to be "unsubstantiated", raising serious civil liberties concerns and placing a huge burden on investigative staffs.
An increase in baby booming makes it tougher for working parents to find daycare. The facts prove that having children come with a true price. Even so it doesn’t change the issues of finding child care or makes them go away. When parents work, quality child care is a necessity. And it does not come cheap. For families with more than one child, child care can eat up one salary, leaving parents wondering both working is worth it. When thinking of child care there are some options to consider like choosing a child care center, the costs of child care centers, and waiting lists.