
Child Development And Development Of Children, Japan, Mongolia, And The United States Essay

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Across the varying regions of Namibia, Japan, Mongolia, and the United States, Babies portrays the different settings in which babies are raised. Through alternating scenes, the film provides a side-by-side comparison of each infant’s development specifically related to their interaction with the environment. The film displays how each baby meets specific milestones through the first months of life, and exemplifies the role that culture and location plays in the stages of their maturation. Despite the socioeconomic disparities among the varying environments, the developmental stages of each of the infants remain relatively similar. In Namibia and Mongolia, Ponijao and Bayar grow up in rural settings in which resources are relatively limited, however the basic needs of these infants are met. On the contrary, in Japan and the United States, Mari and Hattie begin life in an urban area where there are a variety of resources available to aid and track their development, such as health care services. Nevertheless, the infants mature at relatively the same time. This can be attributed to their genetic predisposition to certain developmental milestones, regardless of their environment. For instance, each of the babies gain control of their heads and appendages and then begin to crawl, all at a rate that is congruent with their age. Although each of the distinct regions provide a unique environment for development, the babies interact with their surroundings in very similar ways.

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