
Child Development Essay

Decent Essays

Child Development is one of the most important times of a person's life. From birth to early adulthood we are almost constantly experiencing new changes and factors that shape who we are as a person. If we do not receive the right key elements to develop healthy relationships, coping mechanisms, and life skills, we could have several developmental issues that occur in later years of our life. Developmental Psychology is the study of lifelong, often age-related processes of change in the physical, cognitive, moral, emotional, and social domains of functioning. Some of these changes include the way our bodies change physically, the way we change socially and start developing friend groups with common interest, or the way we create …show more content…

At this age in Janes life, the abuse was at its worse and she would be put into the foster care system at age 7. While in her biological home, Jane encountered sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. Jane was exposed to sexual encounters at a very young age in her life, causing her to lose a sense of her childhood. She had to become the motherly figure for her younger sister, taking care of her when their biological mother failed to do so. She was never taught any educational material outside of school, making it hard for her to accomplish any type of academic goal related to her age groups. Jane's biological mother's rights were terminated on June 7,2010. This put both Jane and her sister into the foster system, where she was adopted by my aunt.

My aunt says that the first sign of behavioral problems she noticed in Jane was ADHD symptoms. Jane was having problems focusing in school and was even diagnosed with ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder). She quickly realized that she had to try much harder to get Jane to listen and follow simple task such as cleaning her room, doing her homework, or just getting along with her sister. Jane was put on medicine which seemed to lessen the symptoms, but never truly get rid of them.

As Jane enters adolescence, she is experiencing more issues than ever before and all underlying psychological issues are now coming to a head. Jane sexually matured at a very young age, creating the question of whether the sexual

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