
Child Labor Laws: Should Adolescents Be Considered As Adults?

Decent Essays

How would you react to see a 10 year old driving on the highway? Obviously this isn’t allowed because a ten year old has not matured enough to have people lives in his/hers hands. The U.S allows 16 year old's to have a job and drive but don’t consider them mature adults, once an individual can provide for themselves, they should be considered an adult. adolescents should be viewed as adults when their actions could cause others to be endangered at the age of 16 when they are allowed to drive a car and work for someone else Child labor laws prevent anyone under the age of 16 from getting a job, but they are still considered a child as they are a child until they reach the age of 18. Child labor laws are in place to prevent adults from taking advantage of children, but child labor laws don’t apply to people who are still children, according to the rule that you have to be 18+ to be an adult. These two rules contradict each other, child labor laws make it where you are a child until 16+ years old, while until you’re 18+ years old, you are considered a child. When you take on responsibility for your actions at age 16, you should be …show more content…

“When Should a Person Be Considered an Adult.” The New York Times, 17 Nov. 2009, 2:09 AM, 18 — the age when the United States, and the rest of

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