In South Asia, forced marriage is more common in child marriage. The girls are getting married at age where they are learning to live their childhood. Culture and traditions are very important for most people and they always want to follow it. “Child marriage also has roots within Indian culture and it’s thought to have begun during the medieval ages. During this time, there was an absolute monarchy government rules by the Delhi Sultans, who introduced the practice of child marriage” (plan UK). Followed by another quotation, according to human rights, "the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHCR) estimates that over 14 million girls will be married before their 18th birthday over the next decade, and almost 50 percent of these child brides are in South Asia" (Human Rights). However, their childhood is taken away from them and forced them into a life of hell. According to Sudan, "most child marriages take place in South Asia and rural-Saharan Africa, according to the population fund. Regarding absolute numbers, India, because of its large population, has the most child marriage with child brides in 47 percent of all marriage" (Sudan). Through forced marriage, these girls have to leave their education apart and after marriage they have to take care of groom 's family. Sometimes these young girls have to face much consequence in the marriage, the husband or the family member would beat the girl. The family would try to make their life miserable. Forced marriage need to
In certain communities in South Asia, the low status of girls has to be compensated for by the payment of a dowry by the parents of the girl to the husband at the time of marriage. This has resulted in a number of dowry crimes, including mental and physical torture, starvation, rape, and even the burning alive of women by their husbands and/or in-laws in cases where dowry payments are not met.
Forced Marriage is most common in impoverished states in Africa, South Asia, and the former Soviet republics. Most adults and children that are unwillingly married, get that way from either their “owner” or their family. The majority of forced marriages are with a child and an adult. Most families sell their children off for money, or to “save” the children from harassment and other things in school. Most children that are married off stop going to school.
Almost 60% of girls are married by 16. Women activists say up to 80 percent of marriages in poor rural areas are either forced or arranged.
Source 1: The most important information to me, from this source is the reason that the girls are being forced to marry. This article states, “They are among 39,000 girls forced into marriage
Rena Silverman, in his article Millions of Young Girls Forced into Marriage wrote that “Driven largely by ……….family members”. The physical and emotional consequences can be very fatal. Since some decade, people give their daughter in forced marriage, when they are generally poor. This being the Dot is a tradition in a marriage will make the fiancée 's family meet its needs. Forced marriage is to be married for the cattle, food or money, also, for the transmission of belongings. After the husband death, the son of the legal wife will inherit of all his property; which will become her own. For this reason parents give their daughter in marriage to have money to stay alive. Yana T. Child marriage problem: causes and consequences said “Parents who cannot provide …………. to ensure she is supported”.
Child marriage in the States is a serious problem. The current law for child marriage states that you must be at least eighteen years old to marry. However, state laws make exceptions if minors have parental consent. Due to the lack of awareness in this topic thirty-three states and two counties in the U.S. reported that between 2000-2015 there were a total of 170,363 minors that were married. Of which, six were twelve-year-olds, fifty-one were thirteen-year-olds, nine hundred eighty-five was fourteen years old. Not only is this number increasing but it is also alarming. The main reasons for child marriage are poverty, gender inequality, tradition/culture, education, and insecurity. Most of the child marriages happen in rural or backward areas of the country. The main reason for this is poverty for sure. Parents who have a daughter but don't earn as much choose this method to give them a better life. For the boys, the marriage does not take place but poverty triggers child labor. Another main reason behind this activity is gender inequality. Even today there are lots of countries that consider
Girls all over the world are forced into marriages due to financial necessity, tradition and to ensure their future. Most of these girls married are at a young age: “One third of the world’s girls are married before the age of 18 and 1 in 9 are married before the age of 15”( “Child Marriage Facts and Figures”). The young ages of those being married reveal how crucial it is to resolve this problem. When child marriage occurs the parents of the bride usually chose the groom for their daughters; and these grooms can be three times older than the young brides. Some children are brought into the world of marriage at the of 8 or sometimes less depending on their cultural views. The following can be used to help reduce the impact of early
Cultural and socioeconomic factors that reinforce child marriage differ from region to region. Where one lives within a country may strongly influence whether or not she will marry early. In India the highest rates of child marriage is concentrated in five states: Madhya Pradesh at 73%, Andhra Pradesh at 71%, Rajasthan at 68%, Bihar at 67 % and Uttar Pradesh at 64%. The median age of marriage in India is 16.4 years according to the National Family Health Survey. [8]It also found that 65% of girls are married by the time they are 18. There are many reasons why child marriage occurs but they can be put into two general categories. The first one is based on social norms, customs and religion. Virginity in India is very important. If one is raped, it is hard for her to be married. “As Vatsayyana said a couple millennia ago that a virgin bride is important, even if people don’t talk about it openly”.[1] Therefore, the younger the bride the more likely it is that she’ll be a virgin and so marrying off the daughter as young as possible, the faster the end of the parent’s responsibility to keep her a virgin.
child bride face a high risk of domestic violence after marriage. Young girls with low level of education often experience violence by an intimate partner. Because of the age difference between girls are their husband, a young girl will stay struggling to understand her own anatomy. In addition, she is forced to make conjugal relations and show signs of depression and stress owing to sexual abuse by her older partner. As a result, young girls are at a higher risk of contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases from her older man with more sexual encounters. Researchers have found that girls married before 18 are twice as likely to be beaten, slapped, or threatened and three times more likely to be raped by their husbands than those
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) states that children have the right to
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, illuminates the essential rights that all children have. According to the Convention, each child has the privilege of education, it is the state 's obligation to guarantee that essential education is free and necessary, to allow distinctive types of secondary training, including general and professional training and to make them open to each child and to make advanced education accessible (United Nations, 1990). But as indicated by UNICEF, an expected 93 million kids on the planet don 't get the chance to go to school, the majority whom are girls. A large part of these children are poor and their families can 't stand to send them to school. They should work to help their families survive. Others, for the most part, young girls don 't go to school since they need to help at home. However, without an education, children and families are forced to lead an existence in poverty (UNICEF, 2015).
Child brides are a little voiced problem that occur around the world. Fourteen million girls become child brides every year, a number that is increasing due to the growing populations of countries where child marriage is common (Fisher). I chose to focus on child brides specifically in Africa and the Middle East due to the high instances of child marriages in those parts of the world. In my research I also found that child brides are very common in South Asia and South America as well. In Niger, Chad, Mali, Bangladesh, Guinea, Central African Republic, Mozambique, and Nepal over half of girls are married before they turn eighteen (Fisher).This is largely due to traditional tribal practices, cultural norms, and an overall lack of education.
Child marriage has been a popular situation in India, which leads to so many children losing their childhood and becoming an adult to fast. A child shouldn’t be married off before they become women because they grow up to fast and forget how to be child and become a woman with lot of responsible to handle before reaching the age 18-year. When a child get marriage at a young age they 're not beneficial form anything that is happen them it 's just hurting them. Being married so young limit their opportunities and early marriages can lead to numerous medical and psychological problems, particularly in relation to early child-births where the mother is not physically mature.
Indian law, policy and practice of child welfare have undergone a significant change from a historical perspective. From customs expecting the wellbeing of children to be based on values and morals, we have evolved to a system where the child is a rights-bearer and a recipient of welfare measures. This is because of the manner in which India has imbibed certain international principles with regard to child rights
Today the idea of arranged marriages is overlooked as a forced marriage from other society's point of views. Hindus arrange their children to meet partners they think are well suitable for them but this does not mean the son or daughter has to automatically marry this person they have been introduced to. They have a choice whether to go along with it or not. They are not forced at any point to marry this person. Years ago parents arranged their children marriages while their children were very young and even babies. They understood that if the kids grew up together over the years they will learn everything there was to know about each other and so everything will basically work out to their advantage. Even though the girl was practically married at a very young age she did not have to live with her husband until she was matured, until then she will just visit him and his family. The wedding will occur before puberty, so the girl will