Introduction Being able to cope within a family is very important. Family members can cause great strain on each other, especially, when individuals of such family suffer from mental health problems and disability. After reading Andrea’s case study, it is very clear that this family has a lot going on. A mother and father who are both unemployed as mom suffers from anxiety and depression, which have led her to be hospitalized a few times due to attempting suicide and dad who is now 33 years old and had an accident at the age of 14 which left him with only one good functioning hand. They raise a son by the name of Vincent, who is now 9 years old, however, he is autistic and also suffers from chronic asthma. Andrea has custody of Vincent furthermore, she is unable to care for him because of her illness and with her many visits to the hospital which have caused her to become hospitalized. This has left an impression on child protective service as they feel she is an unfit mother because she is unable to control her illness. Even though Andrea loves her son dearly, she is aware that with her conditions she might not be able to care for him, even though Vincent was so attached to her. Vincent was eventually taken from her and place with The Department of Child Protection in order to ensure his safety. One theory I believe can be useful within this case study is Family Systems Theory. This theory helps families to understand the root of their problem rather than blaming the issue
According to our textbook, Public Law 93-247 which is the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), came into effect on January 31, 1974. This law is regards to childhood maltreatment. The law implemented the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect. Central agencies needed to be created in each individual state. The central agencies had to have legal authority to investigate and be able to prosecute cases that involved abuse and neglect. The States also had to develop their own definitions, policies, procedures, and laws dealing with child abuse and neglect. With the amendment of 2003, states needed to include foster care, adoption, abandoned infants and family violence protection into their services.
I first learned how to become more culturally responsive and respectful while working as a Child Protective Services caseworker. I had to learn about my client’s culture and beliefs before being able to build a rapport with them. I was able to help multiple families in overcoming a very difficult situation in their life that caused me to become involved. I had to seek out ways on how to help those families all while not placing values held by me onto them.
This assignment will discuss “Amie’s case study” and will explore some of the risks that she is exposed too and how they can have effect on her welfare. I will start by defining what is child safeguarding centred on the legislation framework of the Children Act 2004. I will also look on what is abuse and naming types of abuse, and establish the knowledge and understanding of Assessment Framework in Amie’s case. I will also look at multi-professional strategies that can provide help and protect Amie and her siblings according to legal legislation.
The controversial issue of whether or not Child Protective Services are doing their jobs properly, has grabbed nationwide attention. Child Protective Services is the name of a government agency in many states of the United States whose mission is to respond to reports of child abuse and neglect. Some of these cases may include physical abuse, sexual abuse, and mental abuse (Wikipedia). The child welfare system is corrupted. The parents and guardians who are accused of abuse are automatically labeled as guilty and will have to prove their innocence; instead of being innocent until proven guilty.
The organization under investigation is Child Protective Services, also referred to as CPS, which is an agency within the Department of Family and Protective Services. CPS is a governmental organization that has existed for years. The agency is designed to protect children from abuse and neglect. There are numerous cases that are called in on a daily basis in the state of Texas, and it is the duty of state employees to address all allegations in a timely manner. The positions held as a caseworker within the agency are either Investigator, Special Investigator, Family Based Safety Services Specialist, or Conservatorship Specialist. Due to the required work and deadlines involved with being a caseworker at CPS, the job can become very
“The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act” states’ that “child abuse is the leading cause of death in children under the age of eighteen.” Child abuse occurs when adults inflict violence and cruelty upon children. Abuse is any willful act that results in physical, mental, or sexual injury that causes or is likely to cause the child to be physically, mental, or emotionally impaired. Abuse happens to children of any age, sex, race, religion, and social status.
The job of a child welfare worker appears to be a demanding profession that promotes the child’s safety, but also strengthens the family organization around them in order to successfully raise the children. This child welfare workers work in the system known as the Child Protective Services whose initiative is to protect the overall welfare of the child. The short novel From the Eye of the Storm: the Experiences of a Child Welfare Worker by Cynthia Crosson-Tower demonstrates the skills necessary to deal with the practice of social work along with both its challenges and its happy moments. The novel consists of some of the cases involving Tower’s actual career in social work. In reading the book, I was able to experience some of the actual
For 30 years, advocates, program administrators, and politicians have joined to encourage even more reports of suspected child abuse and neglect. Their efforts have been successful, with about three million cases of suspected child abuse having been reported in 1993. Large numbers of endangered children still go unreported, but a serious problem had developed: Upon investigation, as many as 65 percent or the reports now being made are determined to be "unsubstantiated", raising serious civil liberties concerns and placing a huge burden on investigative staffs.
According to the world health organization(WHO) “ mental health state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community” However there are certain factors that can affect mental health and lead to poor mental health conditions.this factors can be biological,social and psychological.there are several mental health conditions like depression, bipolar affective disorder, schizophrenia and other psychoses, dementia, intellectual disabilities and developmental disorders including autism(WHO).but for the purpose of this essay I will be talking about a particular mental health condition which is schizophrenia.i will talk about possible symptoms,causes and its challenges effects on the role of social workers.
The primary responsibility for child welfare services rests with the States. Each State has its own legal and administrative structures and programs that address the needs of children and families. However, States must comply with specific Federal requirements and guidelines in order to be eligible for Federal funding under certain programs. Even though federal laws have had a major influence on foster care and child welfare policy for more than 40 years, additional reforms are needed to ensure safe and stable families for children in care. A number of federal policies addressing issues such as housing, health care, welfare, social security benefits, taxes, and foster care reimbursement to the states, form the federal foster care policy framework.
Child welfare is an issue that is vastly debated today in the United States. Regardless of party lines, socioeconomics, gender, religion, or race, it seems like everyone has a stake in shaping this issue. As such, progression in policy can be difficult and is often controversial. Throughout the 1900s, the United States Supreme Court heard and decided several cases that set forth precedent, giving more power to, and enabling, parents to raise their children as they see fit. As constituents, parents have a substantial say in what policy should and will be enacted. However, as individuals, parents do not have nearly as much power alone as they do in groups to influence public policy. Therefore, by banning together and creating interest groups, as well as participating in political parties, individuals who have an interest in child welfare, are more likely to make a substantial difference.
The Term topic I chose to research about is Child Welfare Services. This topic has a variety of different regulations and forms that makes this program run. Child Welfare Services have been around for quite some time and has been helping out as much as they are allowed to. This program has a time line of many important events that all build up the Child Welfare program.
Child abuse is the physical, sexual, emotional mistreatment, or neglect of children. In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or also known as CDC defines child abuse as any act or series of acts by a parent or other caregiver that could result in harm to a child. Most child abuse occurs in a child's home, but it could also be found within organizations, schools, or communities that the child interacts with. There are four major categories of child abuse: neglect, physical abuse, psychological/emotional abuse, and also sexual abuse. In the story I selected, it shows many signs of sexual and physical abuse within a little girl and her older brother. Of course the mother
People may not be aware, but any one of their peers, friends, or neighbors may be victims of child abuse. Every day, someone experiences physical, emotional, neglect, and/or sexual abuse. Abuse can lead to death or injury for the rest of a victim's life, from either the perpetrator or themselves. In order to prevent child abuse society must: recognize the types of abuse, understand common causes of abuse, know the characteristics of abusers, and realize the effects abuse has, not just on the child, but on families and communities across the world.
When working with families, however, the social worker must prioritise children and put their feelings and interests above caregivers. This instance demands practice that adopts good social work skills and values to manage the possibility of parents displaying challenging behaviour. Children’s rights are imperative, but social workers must consider parental rights too so they can develop a rapport and successfully engage with them. Yet, although social workers are guided by legislation which serves to enhance children in need’s wellbeing, bureaucracy restricts the level of support and time social workers can devote to the cause. This essay focuses