
Child Welfare Case Study

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Thank you again for contacting the Governor’s Advocacy Office (GAO). To clarify the role of the GAO, we are under both the Oregon Governor’s Office and the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) Director’s Office and we independently review or investigate matters of complaint or concern that a constituent reports having with a DHS program or service.
In review of your correspondence and the request that the Department of Human Service, Child Welfare immediately return your great grandchildren to your custody and expedited certification so that you may be a placement for the children; stating that the children never should have been removed from your home as there was no danger present. You support this by stating that there was a lack of physical harm to them as shown in a doctor’s appointment that followed their removal from your residence. You go on to state that it is your belief that DHS, Child Welfare may have provided support to another family member so that they might be a permanent placement for the children instead of you, and that you are financially equipped enough not to need said support, which further verifies you as the most appropriate placement for these children. …show more content…

The Court grants the authority of DHS to remove and place children in foster care. If a family member is determined not to be appropriate for placement then there is a process by which that family member can request a review of this denial; however, this needs to be done in a timely manner, within 30 days of the

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