Thank you again for contacting the Governor’s Advocacy Office (GAO). To clarify the role of the GAO, we are under both the Oregon Governor’s Office and the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) Director’s Office and we independently review or investigate matters of complaint or concern that a constituent reports having with a DHS program or service.
In review of your correspondence and the request that the Department of Human Service, Child Welfare immediately return your great grandchildren to your custody and expedited certification so that you may be a placement for the children; stating that the children never should have been removed from your home as there was no danger present. You support this by stating that there was a lack of physical harm to them as shown in a doctor’s appointment that followed their removal from your residence. You go on to state that it is your belief that DHS, Child Welfare may have provided support to another family member so that they might be a permanent placement for the children instead of you, and that you are financially equipped enough not to need said support, which further verifies you as the most appropriate placement for these children.
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The Court grants the authority of DHS to remove and place children in foster care. If a family member is determined not to be appropriate for placement then there is a process by which that family member can request a review of this denial; however, this needs to be done in a timely manner, within 30 days of the
In Attorney General v. Sheriff of Suffolk County, 394 Mass. 624 (1985); Guardianship of Anthony, 402 Mass. 723 (1988), “The Court cannot exercise the function of the executive branch of the government by ordering the agency to fulfill certain obligations in a specific manner”. However, if an agency has failed to act in accordance with applicable statutory and regulatory imperatives, the court may find that said agency has abused its discretion, as measured by the arbitrary or capricious test. Care and Protection of Isaac, 419 Mass. 602, 614 (1985). The most important and apparent DCF’s abuses of discretion in this case is by removing the child away from her best comfort place, where she has been nursed by her natural mother. DCF possessed the legal custody of the child in this case, and decided to entrust the child to be housed at the prison facility, where the child’s mother is also housed. DCF considered that, according to its rules, regulation and professional practices, it was its best decision, best placement and best interest of the child.
Ms. Henderson notes that during the assessment process Aunika was placed with her for an evening, but was then removed and placed into foster care. She reports being confused by this decision, as her nephew, the son of her fiancé, was able to stay in the placement at her home with her and his biological father, Glenn Stillmen. I discussed with Ms. Henderson the difference between placing a child with a legal parent, which I clarified with her, Mr. Stillman is, and placing a child with a relative, which would be what the placement between she and Aunika, would be. I clarified further, that with a relative placement there are certain certification requirements that must be reached in order for the child to reside there, while they are a ward of the courts and DHS Child Welfare is charged with their safety. She seemed to understand this and asserted that she would like to be a placement option for Aunika and that she would like information regarding doing this. At this time I
She stated that Carlee was removed without affidavit, it was presented later, on Monday 09/19/16 with alleged old issues that DHS already has investigated and did not find evidence of them. She was inquiring why. GAO informed her that regarding the affidavit, is DHS considers that any child is at risk, will go and remove the kid and then within 24 hour will request the affidavit.
Department of Human Services (DHS) is a human service organization meant to help individuals and families with temporary services in their time of need. The mission statement is: “Improving the quality of life in Michigan by providing services to vulnerable children and adults that will strengthen the community and enable families and individuals to move toward independence.” ( DHS provides an array of services to individuals and families, these include: food assistance, cash assistance, health care assistance, children services, adult services, and many more.
The lawsuit transpired against Department of Human Services in Mississippi because the system deserted the children. In this case, a young girl named Olivia Y was abused by her mother and the foster home. While taking her out the home at the age of three, the system continually neglected her. Department of Family Children Service failed to present Olivia with adequate medical and health support. “This case is alleged that Mississippi’s foster care system was failing adequately to protect children in its custody and provide necessary services in violation of their federal constitutional rights (”).
To clarify the role of the GAO, this office is under both the Governor 's Office and the Department of Human Services (DHS) Director 's Office and we independently review or investigate any matters of complaint or concern that a constituent reports having with a DHS program or service. Because we are under the DHS umbrella, we have the authorization to access client information systems and confidential case files. As your concern was specific to your son in foster care, the Foster Care Ombudsman completed this investigation.
What are the symbols on the dollar bill and what do they mean? There are many symbols for instance the laurel wreath around the one on the front of the dollar symbolizes victory(3). The some of the latin on the dollar bill is E pluribus unum which means “One out of many”(1). “The American bald eagle symbolizes freedom and strength. It is holding 13 arrows in one claw and an olive branch with 13 leaves in the other symbolizing Congress’ power over war and peace. The eagle is looking right showing that the US is a peaceful nation. The unsupported shield, like the US, stands on its own. The shield is composed of 13 stripes representing the 13 colonies with a blue bar on top uniting the stripes denoting Congress(1)”. This is an piece of text from a site based on this topic. These symbols are not all of the symbols either.
When children come into the custody of DCFS and are placed into Foster Care they are scared, confused, lonely, and usually conditioned not to tell when they are being mistreated. Most of the children that come into “the system” have learned to accept abuse as normal or natural and are unaware that they are even being mistreated. Therefore, when they are placed in homes where this is occurring it is not in their nature to speak up. Once they are removed from their parents, they are solely reliant on the department for their protection and it is the department’s responsibility to provide that protection which has not always been fulfilled by the department or the foster care agencies. The department should be making reasonable efforts to provide proper services
The study consisted of 12 parents who foster children ages 2-8 years old. The high levels of conduct problems among children in the foster care system and the added cost to families, society and services, there is a pressing need to support foster parents. Providing foster care to children with increased emotional, behavioral, and medical needs requires not only time, but patience in dealing with the child’s demands. Foster parents often voice they are unprepared to meet demand of children with increased behavioral and emotional needs and adolescents in their care. This situation can result in placement disruption, which further strains foster care resources and has negative impacts on foster children and youth. The incidence of conduct disorder
Throughout the history of the human race, war has affected, ameliorated, and devastated lives. Those drafted and taken away from their family have seen the damaging, atrocious side of war. Conversely, the admiral, valuable side has been seen by the Koreans, now allowed to have the right of freedom. Many of the world has their own personal opinion about war. In 1920, Sara Teasdale told the world her opinion by the publishing of her twelve line poem, “There Will Come Soft Rains.” In only the few stanzas, Teasdale described a post-war land, where all humans have perished. Sara Teasdale used many techniques to prove the theme, that war is unnecessary and horrible, including imagery, alliteration, and personification.
In the case we are asked to look at with the two little girls, the office was alerted due to neglect and issues of locking the children away in order to not have contact with them and avoid physical discipline. Again having a large amount of experience with this personally I can speak on several different instances in which the agency needs to be involved. My middle son, again who is not my biological child, has 4, soon to be 6 other half siblings by his biological mother. None of which she has custody of. They have all been removed by CPS. In her case it was for the use of narcotics, in and around the children as well as during pregnancy with 4 of the 6 children she has. She is currently pregnant with number 5 and 6 of her living children though technically they are 9 and 10. She has previously had two singleton abortions and an abortion of a set of twin girls. She has had 4 other boys removed now, ages 5, 3, and a set of twin boys who are 18 months. CPS has already stated that the children she is pregnant with now will be removed as well upon their birth. So in a case such as hers, she was given a year to prove to the courts that she wanted to work towards keeping her twins, they set up visitation for her at the cps office, as well as classes for her to attend, weekly drug screens, parenting classes, and set financial goals she had to meet.
4. In the Allegory of Human Cave, Plato describes human world as a cave, in which, our perception of “truth” is nothing but a shadow coming from the “sun”. Each of us has been chained so that we’re not able to look at the source behind our back. In my interpretation, Plato implies that the world in which human perceive is like a cave, we might be chained and unable to look beyond the “shadow”. Thus, what we see in the “reality” might not be the reality, but its shadow. Also, Plato describes that the one who broke the chained and explored outside of the cave, once comes back would receive the denial from others. This person, in my opinion, represents the role of philosophers, which is the one who always seeks for the reality or the “sun”. The philosophers are the peers who realizes that the world we perceive is just a shadow, and not that many people are able to realize that. Then, some would ask why we know whether if the world is a shadow. Yes, we don’t. We also don’t know whether if the world is not a shadow. In another word, there isn’t “absolute truth” about the existence of the “reality” we’re living in. Therefore, we need to keep seeking for the “reality” no matter whether it is what it seems to be or not. Then, how can we break the chain that ties us to the “shadow” of reality? One of the answers is to keep questioning. As mentioned above, there is no absolute truth. One could be right today and will be wrong tomorrow, vice versa. By questioning, we’re able to explore
Childcare proceedings can be extremely distressing and stressful. Our team understand that, and will help you to understand the legal process, the steps being taken and the timescales involved.
Child welfare is an issue that is vastly debated today in the United States. Regardless of party lines, socioeconomics, gender, religion, or race, it seems like everyone has a stake in shaping this issue. As such, progression in policy can be difficult and is often controversial. Throughout the 1900s, the United States Supreme Court heard and decided several cases that set forth precedent, giving more power to, and enabling, parents to raise their children as they see fit. As constituents, parents have a substantial say in what policy should and will be enacted. However, as individuals, parents do not have nearly as much power alone as they do in groups to influence public policy. Therefore, by banning together and creating interest groups, as well as participating in political parties, individuals who have an interest in child welfare, are more likely to make a substantial difference.
The Term topic I chose to research about is Child Welfare Services. This topic has a variety of different regulations and forms that makes this program run. Child Welfare Services have been around for quite some time and has been helping out as much as they are allowed to. This program has a time line of many important events that all build up the Child Welfare program.