
Child Welfare Essay

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Child Welfare
Child welfare is one of the most important sociological topics today. It is a concept that is used to describe the combination of efforts and services that are designed with the primary objective of maintaining and promoting the safety as well as the wellbeing of children and ensuring that families have the necessary support they need to ensure that their children have been successfully cared for. In essence, child welfare is social work that is focused on the welfare of children (Keddell, 2014). Child welfare is a broad topic that involves, among others, child protection from abuse, support for families to effectively care for their children, investigation of child maltreatments and neglect, and support for children in …show more content…

In the nineteenth century, although society became a bit harsher on those who abused or neglected children and child welfare organizations mushroomed, child abuse and neglect were still not considered crimes (Hirschy, & Wilkinson, 2012). However, all through the twentieth century, the social perceptions of child abuse and neglect have shifted a great deal from something that was totally unacceptable to a demeanor that can no longer be allowed both in legal and social circles. But the criminalization of child abuse and neglect was only one step towards overall child wellbeing. There is still much more to be done to ensure that child maltreatment has been eradicated. The current problem is the continued rise in child abuse and neglect today. Within the United States, the problem of child abuse and neglect is far much common than most people would like to admit. Sanchez (2012) stated that child maltreatment is a global epidemic and a major social problem in the United States resulting in at least 740, 000 visits to hospital emergency departments and more than $124 in child welfare, criminal justice, and health care. Norman, Byambaa, De, Butchart, Scott, and Vos (2012) also observed that child abuse and neglect is a global problem that is mostly perpetrated by parental guardians and parents. Sexual abuse is the infringement of a child’s

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