Childhood obesity is epidemic in the United States and is expected to increase the rates of many chronic diseases in children. Healthy nutrition and physical activity are keys to obesity prevention. Policy interventions in school that make healthy dietary and activity choices are easier and likely to achieve the greatest benefits. A comprehensive approach involving multiple stakeholder is important in reducing obesity epidemic. Government at national, state and local level must take action. The health care system, schools, and community organizations also have critical roles. School need to improve the quality of food option and encourage parents to role model healthy behavior at home. A cross sectoral approach is beneficial in reducing obesity
The rate of childhood obesity has grown an enormous amount over the years with more than 40 million children being overweight! That number is astonishingly high and it is very obvious that something needs to be done about this. Studies had shown in 2008 that more than 40 million children were said to be overweight and the sad truth is that they are still increasing rapidly to this day; also every 1 in 4 teenagers is said to not reach the fitness guidelines (Tanner) according to an article by Lindsey Tanner. For this problem to be resolved not only do the parents of children need to make sure their kids are staying active but also, the schools they attend need to make sure they are getting a well-balanced meal and have some type of physical activity during their school day. Each state in America is given a percentage rate on the number of obese people in that particular state. The highest ranking state is Mississippi with a percentage of 34.9 and the state ranking the least is Connecticut with 24.5 percent. Different researches have shown that each day 850 lives are taken due to obesity and each year there are more than 300,000 people that die from obesity related illnesses. These are deaths that most likely could have been avoided if these individuals would have had the proper exercise and diet in their lives.
Childhood obesity is a major public health epidemic which has significantly risen over the past three decades and there is no chance in sight of slowing it down unless real action is taken. This major health crisis continues to reduce individuals’ quality of life and has caused severe health problem like heart disease which is the leading cause of death in the United States and around the world. In most cases, obese children grow up to be an obese adult. The prevalence of childhood obesity can be addressed through education initiatives such as school prevention programs because children spent a majority of their time outside of the home at school, therefore school provides a great opportunity to educate and improve a child’s health at an ideal point before the problem gets worst. My paper will focus on childhood obesity prevention in Hill Top Middle school Lodi, New Jersey.
Childhood obesity has expanded tremendously within the past thirty years (CDC, 2015). It is not only a state, but also a nationwide issue. For many children, they depend on their school lunches to provide them the nutritious meals they cannot afford to have at home. As a community, we need to get our children into better shape. Not only will they become more astute, but they will also live healthier lifestyles, and have less health complications as they age. When you are overweight or obese, you are much more likely to develop health problems like heart disease, diabetes, or even a stroke. It is our responsibility as a community, state, and nation to offer nutritious meals and activities for our youth and future.
On a smaller scale, a change ought to occur in communities in which the children live and attend school in order to provide an environment that makes healthy choices readily available. Parents as well as schools largely contribute to this epidemic. Schools contribute to obesity, and need to approach this matter face first. (1) Physical education programs are limited, which is distributing considering only 3.8% of elementary schools, 7.9% of middle schools and 2.1 percent of high schools actually provide their students with physical education. Curriculum needs to be utilized in order to educate and empower students of the importance of nutrition and physical activity. For change to occur everyone has to be on board, particularly parents. Parents cannot just tell children what and whatnot to do; they need to allow children to participate in planning and of activities, in order to be successful. Children like to feel as if they are an active participant and to take part in the decision-making process, thus the parent ought to provide them with instrumental support. Parents and school systems are strong advocates and need to implement change to receive positive results; there are various effective methods of doing this. Children spend most of their time in school and at home, subsequently education should occur about of nutrition’s and
Childhood obesity is a growing epidemic in the United States. More than one third of children are overweight. This figure is increasing rapidly. This epidemic puts children at risk for various health problems such as type two diabetes and heart problems. Although they are several risk factors for obesity, parents play a significant role in this issue. This paper will look into how parents are influential to their children, how they contribute to this problem and how they may help fight the fight against obesity. Obesity is a very serious problem and there are solutions that parents can apply to help their children lead a healthy lifestyle. Obesity does not only affect a person physically, but mentally and psychologically as well.
Obesity is a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in our bodies. This disease is increasing at an alarming rate in American children and adolescents, especially those within the ages 2 to 19. This essay examines the difference between school-based interventions (i.e., educate our children about obesity at an early age, serving right nutrition in schools) and community based interventions (i.e., parents help provide better nutrition for their children) to prevent obesity. Both interventions can help decrease obesity rates in children, but the point of this essay review is to point out which interventions will provide the better results to solve the childhood obesity epidemic in the United States.
In today’s society, there has been a plethora of achievements in technology, medical advancement, and educational platforms. However, with these new, exciting gateways has come several issues, some of which have become very serious. One of the most important hot button issues is childhood obesity. In fact, statistics show that since the 1970’s, the obesity rate in children’s ages range two to five in the United States, has increased over five percent alone, as well as over ten percent in children in age ranges between twelve to nineteen in 2008 (Gale Encyclopedia of diets, 2013). With this serious issue facing the United States, it leads to question: why have children in the United States become so obese and what strategies have been implemented to curve this often-outrageous statistic? The cause of childhood obesity can be blamed on several factors that affect all areas of the child’s life. Factors including the home lifestyle and parent accountability, outside the home in school where implementation and access of unhealthy foods and beverages far exceeds their nutritional counterparts, as well as an increased portion size are adding to this overall problem. To combat the issue, many states have implemented programs specifically aimed at childhood obesity to prevent the future health risks associated with this medical issue. Also, suggestions are being acquired for schools and parents alike to assist in getting the obese target below the national level
Childhood obesity is one of the major health challenges of the 21st century. (World Health Organization, 2016). In the last 30 years, obesity has more than doubled in children. Overweight and obesity are the result of caloric imbalance and can cause physical and psychological problems in children. A global shift in dietary habits and lack of physical activity play a crucial role in childhood obesity. Healthy lifestyle habits, such as healthy eating and physical activity can reduce the risk of becoming obese. School plays an important role in establishing a safe and supportive environment with policies and practices that support healthy behaviors (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). The fifty state legislation on childhood obesity policy was enacted in 2013. Many states including, Texas has enacted some type of school nutrition legislation but not on physical education (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2013). Therefore, the author decided to contact a policymaker, a local school board member of Plano, Texas to implement the existing policies of school nutrition and physical activity.
Childhood obesity is one of the major public health challenges of the 21st century. The prevalence of obesity is increasing globally. In 2013, the number of overweight children under the age of five was estimated over 42 million. Childhood obesity can cause premature death and disability in adulthood. Overweight and obese children will grow up to become obese adults and are more likely to develop diseases like cardiovascular diseases and diabetes at a younger age. Many factors can contribute overweight and obesity in children, however a global shift in dietary habits and lack of physical activity play a crucial role. Overweight and obesity are preventable. Unlike adults, children cannot select the environment they live or the food they eat, they are unware about the long term health consequences of their behavior. Therefore, it is important to have strict policies for the prevention of obesity epidemic. School play an important role in fighting against the epidemic of childhood obesity (World Health Organization, 2016). Even after the legislature has enacted laws to support school nutrition and physical education, many states including, Texas has not yet adopted these policies. It is important to have these policies in practice to prevent childhood obesity (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2014). Government play an important role in making sustainable changes in public health. For that reason, the author is intended to
Obesity is a market driven disease that has affected the US the most negatively in the past 3 decades. Obesity isn’t just a health issue, but it is a national defense issue that will become a serious issue in the soon arriving future. The less that people act now, the less people we will have to worry about in the future. However, there are a few solutions to minimizing obesity in children and adults that will make major changes that many will not appreciate, but they will take a joint effort from schools and parents. The future of the US is in danger if we cannot control our youth’s dietary and physical fitness
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC, 2015) the term “obese” describes children and adolescents who have a body mass index (BMI) at or above the 95th percentile for their gender and age, while “overweight” describes those with a BMI at or above the 85th but
Childhood obesity is a growing problem that needs to be resolved. Many people may say it is the Child’s fault, he is weak willed. This is just a common misconception; there are hundreds of different reasons for childhood obesity. I will just be scratching the surface of this paper. By the same token childhood obesity is a growing problem that needs to be resolved. We can achieve this by understanding some common misconceptions, understanding health problems, and understanding fitness.
It is often said that people ought to learn from their mistakes, however throughout American history that doesn 't appear to be the case. In recent studies, it 's been documented that American youngsters and adolescents are usually measured predominately overweight and in some cases fat. Several American parents are to happy with settling with the convenience of restaurants, which isn’t okay once people don 't teach their youngsters to exercise. Most kids could even get hooked on fast foods, and in today’s busy society they are not getting the right time to exercise. , If today’s American society would teach their children to exercise and eat right , then the result would be less diseases and a lot more healthier kids. Parents have the
Obesity an imperative health issue all inclusive. In the course of the most recent five years, the issue has climbed the rundown of political needs and is currently a standout amongst the most fervently subjects in business and political circles. Inside of this review, the marketing business is being blamed for pushing so as to hare the strength of the country unseemly nourishment and beverage onto shoppers, advancing destructive dietary change, and shelling youngsters with messages that undermine parental power and governments' positive eating messages .
Second, genetic factors alone can play a role in specific cases of child obesity. If a child was born into family with history of obesity, the child is more likely to develop this condition especially if high calories food is readily to eat and physical activity is not encouraged; for example, genetic factors such as Prader-Willi Syndrome is a rare disorder in obesity and affects a very small portion of children. Individuals who tend to gain weight are less likely to starve to death and more likely to pass on their genes to their children. The children with certain genes end up storing the fat more easily than other children. As a result, it is believed that many of us now carry this genetic factor. Some children are greater at risk of obesity