Childhood obesity is a huge problem not in just America, but all over the world. The risk factors come from all different environments such as demographic, socio-structural, and environmental. What you eat and lack of exercise performed daily are the most familiar causes of obesity but other factors play a very big role in the cause of this disease. Education plays a huge role in preventing this disease and there are many settings that you can be educated in such as the school system, hospitals or doctors’ offices, home and even work. Occupational therapists can also play a role in educate on how certain occupations can prevent obesity.
Childhood obesity is affected by many different factors. Stated by Zong, “contributing factors to the increases in obesity include a decline in positive health behaviors, such as making healthy dietary choices, engaging in physical activity, and limiting sedentary behaviors”. It is hard for children in pre-school, ages around three to seven, to make decisions on their own. They follow by example, by what is given to them, or by what they are told. The main environments that they are in most of their time are at school and home so these settings are what effects their life styles. The preventative medicine approach is “the application of Western medicine and social science to prevent disease, prolong life, and promote health in the community through intercepting disease process” (Scaffa, Reitz, & Pizzi, 2010, p.116). It is aimed towards
In "One Student’s Advocacy For Change: Childhood Obesity" by Theresa Cast, the author wrote this article in order to bring realization to this disease and figure out solutions to reduce the number of children that have obesity. The issue of obesity is aggravating continuously, however it causes several sync diseases such as diabetes and high pressure of blood, according to cast, “ According to the El Paso Diabetes Association (2010) estimates show that more than 85,000 people in the El Paso area have diabetes and of those, as many as 25% may not even know they have this potentially deadly disease”. The statistics show that the number of children who have obesity in the United State of America is increasing, and that is considered
Prevention of health related disease attributed by obesity should begin with educating children to choose healthy lifestyles and not to spend all their money on sugary snacks and drinks. Schools are aware of the increasing rate of childhood obesity and know that education is one of the best tools that can be use at an early age to help reverse the rate of
Childhood obesity is a major public health epidemic which has significantly risen over the past three decades and there is no chance in sight of slowing it down unless real action is taken. This major health crisis continues to reduce individuals’ quality of life and has caused severe health problem like heart disease which is the leading cause of death in the United States and around the world. In most cases, obese children grow up to be an obese adult. The prevalence of childhood obesity can be addressed through education initiatives such as school prevention programs because children spent a majority of their time outside of the home at school, therefore school provides a great opportunity to educate and improve a child’s health at an ideal point before the problem gets worst. My paper will focus on childhood obesity prevention in Hill Top Middle school Lodi, New Jersey.
Us Americans love to eat food and eat more than we need to. We tend to snack and constantly eat even when we even arent hungary. Childhood obesity has brought many problems for kids and has allowed them to suffer from things. Surgeon general Richard states that “Because of the increasing rates of obesity, unhealthy eating habits and physcial inactivity, we may see the first generation that will be less healthy and have a shorter life expectancy than their parent.” Childhood obesity is increasing among the years, it tends to have many health effects, environmental causes, theories, and many reasons on how to prevent it.
There have been studies conducted to find out what has caused or what the leading factors to obesity are. Researchers are currently still doing research to find out what causes or what may be the lead to obesity. Childhood obesity is a serious medical condition which considers a child to be obese if their Body Mass Index (BMI) is at or above the 95th percentile for children and teens of the same age and sex. (Rendall., Weden, Lau, Brownell, Nazarov & Fernandes, 2014). Obesity is on a rise in the Unites States and all over the world and can lead or result to other health complications later in life. The crucial breakdown serves as an implication of outlining childhood obesity, collaborating problems of the disease and resolutions, as well as applying critical thinking to give a complete approach to deliver information on childhood obesity. This will be done through citation of scholarly articles, samples and other modes of supporting details.
Childhood obesity is not just an issue in United States- it is an growing epidemic. Obesity epidemic in kids has increased by alarming rate just in last few decades. Nearly one in every five child is obese in the United States. If the pattern of obesity continued on most of America’s children will be living with diabetes, heart disease, and dying young due to obesity. The American Heart Association reported this year that childhood obesity is the top health concern among parents in the United States, beating out smoking and drug abuse. My own younger siblings suffer with child obesity. Their craving for fast food and very limited physical activity has made them overweight and currently they suffer from health problems. Is this the future of our young generation? How much contribution should a parent have in their child’s diet? Fast food has taken over American diet and it has lead to poor nutritional diet among American youth. Fast food companies spend billion of dollars every year on commercials, convincing youth to love and eat their product. It’s just not our eating habits that has lead our young generation into obesity, lack of physical workout has also played a major role in obesity epidemic. TV, computer, video games and other technology entertainment has contributed to children getting no exercise. Obesity in children can put them in high risks of developing chronic and serious illness. Unhealthy weight leads to having weaker lungs, poor blood quality, heart
Childhood obesity in America is a growing disease that has become an epidemic problem that has lasting psychological effects, because of advertisement of fast food, lack of physical activities, and parental control; which has made food become a major health issue in many young teenager's lives today. Childhood obesity is something that most kids inherit from his or her own parent. When it comes to child obesity, there is a great deal of understanding of the causes and consequences of this kind of problem. There are important necessary steps to take in order to take preventative action.
There is a growing epidemic in our country, its called obesity. In fact, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), childhood obesity has doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years, and in 2012 more than one third of children were overweight and obese. There are countless reasons as to why this epidemic has gained so much weight over the recent decades, often people say; it is an inherited tendency to put on pounds, lack of good nutrition and diets, or simply because we are too busy or too lazy to exercise. The truth is, physical activities and dietary behaviors of young Americans are influenced by many sectors of society. Including; the families and cultures we
Childhood obesity is a growing epidemic in the United States. More than one third of children are overweight. This figure is increasing rapidly. This epidemic puts children at risk for various health problems such as type two diabetes and heart problems. Although they are several risk factors for obesity, parents play a significant role in this issue. This paper will look into how parents are influential to their children, how they contribute to this problem and how they may help fight the fight against obesity. Obesity is a very serious problem and there are solutions that parents can apply to help their children lead a healthy lifestyle. Obesity does not only affect a person physically, but mentally and psychologically as well.
Childhood obesity is a major problem in the United States. There are multiple reasons for this problem including the child’s school system, the access to technology in young children and the child’s genes. It is sometimes inevitable for a child to be obese due to their genes. There are some precautions being made to help this problem. Some might work but others might fail. Childhood obesity is a major problem and needs to be fixed because it causes major health issues for the child in the future.
Childhood obesity is a growing problem that needs to be resolved. Many people may say it is the Child’s fault, he is weak willed. This is just a common misconception; there are hundreds of different reasons for childhood obesity. I will just be scratching the surface of this paper. By the same token childhood obesity is a growing problem that needs to be resolved. We can achieve this by understanding some common misconceptions, understanding health problems, and understanding fitness.
Childhood obesity is a staggering problem. According to CDC, child obesity rate has triple in past 30 years in United States. Children who are obese will have impact on their both physical and psychological health. Children who are obese during childhood are more likely to be obese in their adulthood as well, and then suffer from diseases like heart disease, asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure, depression and more. Due to change in lifestyle kids now a day’s eat more calories than they burn calorie. They tend to overeat and enjoy junk food rather than healthy food. They also prefer to use computer, play video games or watch television instead of going out to play and exercise.
Childhood obesity is one of the major health crisis nationally and internationally. The commonness of childhood obesity over the last few years have increased. Approximately 17% (or 12.7 million) of children and adolescents aged 2-19 years had obesity (CDC). There are one or more factors that can cause obesity in children, such as genetics, behavior, and environment. Physical, psychological, and social are also factors that can cause obesity in children. The involvement of the media, family, and the lack of proper education are reasons this major health crisis is increasing. With effective intervention strategies, the various factors and challenges that influence childhood obesity can be prevented and controlled.
“The percentage of children aged 6–12 years in the United States who were obese increased from 7% in 1980 to nearly 18% in 2012” ( Subsequently, the obesity epidemic has continued to increase over the past few years in the United States. There are many different aspects that have contributed to the obesity epidemic. For example, many people today choose to be convenient instead of eating healthy, which results in the consummation of processed foods. Processed foods have a significant effect on the risk of obesity. With a current society always on the go, adults and children have become more susceptible to junk and fast foods. As a result this has caused an increase in the energy intake which results in storing fat thus gaining weight. In addition, having less to no physical activity is also a contributor to obesity. For example, sixty minutes of physical activity is needed for the prevention of obesity ( These contributions to obesity results into the many different health risk. With this in mind, I believe as a student, schools have the influence to help prevent young students from childhood obesity. Childhood obesity is a condition where a child has unnecessary grossly fat. Many children who are overweight suffer from medical to self-esteem issues. These issues can have a big impact on a child’s educational success. Therefore, there are ways that schools can get involved to help prevent young students of becoming obese and in the process help students
Childhood obesity may not seem like a serious problem, but it is a serious medical condition that can have major effects on a child. Although genetics play a role in determining a child’s weight, it is usually due to a child’s amount of exercise and the consumption of healthy meals. Doctors are concerned with the issue, as we all should be, and they are creating new programs that are geared toward helping children learn how to follow a healthier lifestyle. There are some promising outlooks with these programs, and most doctors agree that parents should help their children create a more active and healthy lifestyle. They also agree that the government should provide more attention to the issue as well. Since the growing problem of childhood