
Childhood Obesity Epidemic Analysis

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I. The nation has developed a cheap food model. The kind of food Americans eat is the kind that is most profitable, commercial. This source of nutrition has caused over eighteen percent of children in the nation to become obese or overweight. If the obesity epidemic is not taken seriously the nation will have to pay the price. Not only adults but future generations are at a higher risk of developing severe heart conditions earlier than past generations. If improvements are not made, our children will die younger than us. II. As of 2014, there are twenty two states with an over thirty percent obesity rate. With these high rates, more than one third of the American adult population becomes obese. The 2008 annual medical cost were $147 billion, …show more content…

Dr. Brownell is trying to explain that not America is racking up differently depending on the regional location. As of 2014, Florida has the eight lowered obesity rate in the Nation (The State of Obesity: Better Policies for a Healthier America). The adult obesity rate in the state is only twenty six percent, although high from only eleven percent in 1990. When comparing Florida’s currently obesity rate to Kansas, which is the nation’s highest, one can see where the “regional variation” takes place. 10-17 year old children currently rank among the top thirty-eight in the nation, and high school students are only eleven percent. Florida’s overweight population included twenty-four percent White, thirty-face percent Blacks, and twenty-six percent …show more content…

Describe the process of cardiovascular disease (what happens to the heart and cardiovascular system over time) and how obesity influences this process. Why does fat matter for heart disease? What other diseases are associated with obesity? (Hint: there are at least 10 mentioned in the movie, but consult credible websites and cite your references appropriately in APA format). What is the disease that was never seen before but now exists in 38% of obese kids? XIII. The seven factors ideal for cardiovascular health include optimal cholesterol, normal blood pressure, not having diabetes, lean body mass index, not being a smoker, physical activity, and a healthy diet. Less than 1% meet the definition for all 7 of the criteria for ideal cardiovascular health. Although, I do not meet the definition of all seven of these criteria but rather six, I am neither obese nor overweight. I have chosen a healthy life style, aware of the foods in digesting and the amount of physical exercising per

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