
Childhood Obesity Speech Outline

Satisfactory Essays

Topic: Childhood Obesity


I. Attention-getter: Childhood obesity is a serious problem in the United States. Childhood obesity can lead to poor self-esteem and depression.

II. Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the main causes of childhood obesity and how to prevent children from being obese.

III. General Purpose: To inform.

IV. Theses: Main two reason for childhood obesity are children eating too much and not exercising enough.

Transition: First, I will explain what obesity is.

I. Main Point 1: Obesity is when the body have too much fat, which means the body has too much weight.
A. Being obese increases the risk of cancer, stroke, diabetes, and etc.

B. Obesity is caused by a combination of excessive food …show more content…

II. Main Point 2: When children have lack of physical activity, eating a lot of junk food, and genetic factors can lead to obesity. Some parents don’t try to feed their children healthy food and keep them active.
A. A child diet and being active plays an important role in their lives.

B. Children now a days are inactive—they don’t go outside and run around, they rather watch television and play video games.

C. The effect it has on children is the risk of depression, low self-esteem, eating disorder, and anxiety problems.

D. When kids carry extra weight their bone structure cannot handle all the weight, so it’s a possibility that they can get arthritis. They also can get skin disorder which the skin begin to fold, and it leads to heat rash.

Transition: Ways to prevent childhood obesity and help them maintain a healthy weight.

III. Main Point 3: There are many ways to prevent childhood obesity and helping them to stay healthy.
A. Encouraging children to eat there vegetables, fruit, drink there milk, and etc. can help in many ways.

B. Help the kids to stay active, teach them what being active means, and how it can help them to stay

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