Topic: Childhood Obesity
I. Attention-getter: Childhood obesity is a serious problem in the United States. Childhood obesity can lead to poor self-esteem and depression.
II. Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the main causes of childhood obesity and how to prevent children from being obese.
III. General Purpose: To inform.
IV. Theses: Main two reason for childhood obesity are children eating too much and not exercising enough.
Transition: First, I will explain what obesity is.
I. Main Point 1: Obesity is when the body have too much fat, which means the body has too much weight.
A. Being obese increases the risk of cancer, stroke, diabetes, and etc.
B. Obesity is caused by a combination of excessive food
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II. Main Point 2: When children have lack of physical activity, eating a lot of junk food, and genetic factors can lead to obesity. Some parents don’t try to feed their children healthy food and keep them active.
A. A child diet and being active plays an important role in their lives.
B. Children now a days are inactive—they don’t go outside and run around, they rather watch television and play video games.
C. The effect it has on children is the risk of depression, low self-esteem, eating disorder, and anxiety problems.
D. When kids carry extra weight their bone structure cannot handle all the weight, so it’s a possibility that they can get arthritis. They also can get skin disorder which the skin begin to fold, and it leads to heat rash.
Transition: Ways to prevent childhood obesity and help them maintain a healthy weight.
III. Main Point 3: There are many ways to prevent childhood obesity and helping them to stay healthy.
A. Encouraging children to eat there vegetables, fruit, drink there milk, and etc. can help in many ways.
B. Help the kids to stay active, teach them what being active means, and how it can help them to stay
III. Main Point #3: Childhood obesity is preventable. I think that parents and caregivers just need more insight of what it can lead to, not just worrying about body image.
Topic: Childhood obesity in the United States Thesis statement: Childhood obesity nowadays is a big issue in our society, so it is necessary to know the factors that cause obesity to develop in children, while looking for a solution and ways to prevent childhood obesity. Search strategy and evaluation of resources: I began my research by going into the ASA databases and borrowing from the Ebsco e-book collection a book called Childhood obesity in America. I read it and get a complete overview of what exactly is childhood obesity. This book has plenty of information related to my topic, so that is one of the reasons why I chose this book as source of investigation. In fact, the book discusses very deeply about the factors causing the development of childhood obesity and can be shown with the following example: “Moods like
There are many factors that play into whether a child will become obese. Most of the time it is due to lack of physical activity but there are key features such as where you come from and what your race/ethnicity is. If you are from a wealthy family and like to buy a lot of junk food or fast food then you are more at risk to become unhealthily overweight. If you are poorer and come from a minority in some cases you eat the bare minimum which keeps you below the overweight line. This is an important factor to take into consideration.
Parents should shape their children eating habit, by giving them healthy food such as vegetable, and fruit. Parents should prevent their children to have access to junk food, and decrease kids’ food preference. Parents can also encourage their kids to walk to and from school if the school is not too far. Parents should cut off TV time for their kids to two hours a day. Moderate physical activity is very important for children to maintain healthy weight. Kids should be encourage to exercise at 30 minutes a day. This should be done at school since children spend most of their day time at school. Another action that needs to be taken to reduce childhood obesity is food regulation at elementary schools. Government should remove vending machines from all elementary school because these foods contain high calories. The price of low calories food should be reduced to encourage children to eat healthy.
In order to combat childhood obesity, parents need to take action now. One way parents can get involved is to encourage their children to be physically active. Turning off the televisions, video games and internet is the first step. Getting involved with your children’s activity level will promote good relationships and provide motivation. Making physical activity fun, by having competitive games or introducing your children into organized sports and recreations, will promote the physical activity needed to assist in fighting childhood obesity.
Childhood obesity has increased dramatically in the past few years. It is a result of an imbalance between how much a child eats and how much a child keeps their body active to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Common factors that are influencing childhood obesity would be the lack of self-control, environmental, and genetics. In order to combat these rising numbers of childhood obesity, people as a collective force must target problem areas within homes, schools, and their surrounding community by educating each other.
First and foremost, the most common causes of childhood obesity are genetic factors, overeating, and not exercising enough. Although obesity may run in a family, it does not determine whether a child will be obese or not (“Obesity in Children”). If a child who comes from a family of obesity, happens to become overweight like them, the likely cause is due to bad eating and activity habits. Many children today spend more time inside the house eating and watching television, rather than being active outdoors (“Obesity in Children”). This is due to the recent popularity of having electronics such as television, games, and phones serve as entertainment. Another reason for the excessive eating is because parents are often too busy to cook healthy foods on a regular basis, leaving children to rely on fast food or
Thesis: The purpose of my speech is for you to be more aware of Childhood Obesity, and how we can prevent it and reduce the percentage.
Childhood obesity has now reached an epidemic in several parts of the United States. As a result, children now have a higher risk to have numerous chronic and acute medical problems. Several of the long-lasting medical problems a child might face as a result of obesity could eventually result in death. In addition to chronic medical problems, childhood obesity has severe psychosocial effects on an individual such as low self-esteem and depression. Childhood obesity is a serious problem that is caused by a numerous amount of factors that can eventually lead to severe health complications.
The three main causes of childhood obesity are dietary, sedentary lifestyle, and genetics. Obesity can be combated and prevented by reducing time engaged in sedentary behaviors, such as watching television, meeting recommended nutrition standards, including eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, and by engaging more frequently in physical activity (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2003).
In order to impede the epidemic of childhood obesity, the actual causes of the problem need to be evaluated and dissected. Obesity in children is becoming a huge problem in American society. In the past three decades, the rate of overweight children has increased by 300%. This is an alarming rate that is only climbing higher. Every member in society should take steps to becoming healthier. This would help the present generations as well as future generations to come. The lifestyle of Americans keeps us too busy to be a healthy society.
The risks that are linked to childhood obesity not only affect your body, but your mind, as well. Depression is often linked with childhood obesity. Children have become inactive and have begun to choose video games and junk food over outdoor play. With this sedentary lifestyle, and lack of nutrition, they begin to overeat. Their level of activity is not compensating for the amount of calories being taken in, thus, leading to the child become overweight or even obese. When the child becomes overweight or obese, they are at a higher risk of being teased or bullied by their peers, siblings, or other adults, which may lead to depression. Also, when the adolescent becomes overweight, they are more tired, and unable to perform in sports or other activities that other children may enjoy so they adapt to the unhealthy lifestyle. Many times, the child is unable to express their feelings so the condition
There was a time when chubby children were considered cute. It was assumed that their baby fat would melt away and a healthy adult would emerge. We now know that childhood obesity can be very harmful for our nations children. Not only can obesity cause health problems but also psychological problems. In observing the causes of childhood obesity, hopefully we can slow down the epidemic.
On the other hand, not all cases of childhood obesity are a result of external forces. In some cases a child’s problem with their weight is mainly a genetic problem. In this case even the healthiest of habits may not be enough to prevent a child from becoming obese. (American Obesity Association) Yet the dramatic increase of overweight adolescents in the past few decades has clearly not been a result of genetics, but rather has in fact been do to poor health habits.
Previously kids used to play all the while outdoor and were physically active. But now after the advent of television and video games, they are hooked to the television. The different cartoon and other channels never allow them to move from the television box. Video games are another attraction that lets the kids to stay in one place. Kids have cultivated the habit of eating foods and snacks watching television. The minimal physical activity and excess food intake results in weight gain in kids. Sedentary lifestyle not only takes away kids from physical activity but also takes toll on their health.