
Childhood Studies Essay

Decent Essays

What are the main features of childhood studies?

The key features of childhood studies include respecting the rights of children. These rights are set out by the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of Children (or UNCRC). The UNCRC is made up of 54 legally binding accounts covering key elements concerning children. The UNCRC divided these 54 accounts into categories of the 3 P’s those being Participation, this enabling a child to participate in decisions made in their best interest. Protection, a right to be protected from any kind of abuse or exploitation. Provision, to provide a child with healthy food, safe housing and suitable education.
The innocence of childhood should be protected but often through other cultures children are seen as a vital and responsible family member and tend to be required to partake in working from a young age. In effect causing them to miss out on having fun and learning.
Liberian culture shows a child taking on adult responsibilities as soon as …show more content…

Many of the characteristics are visually and audibly obvious, language ability, height and physical capability. Other characteristics are less obvious, such as how children sense the world around them. Child psychologists try to focus on the why, when and how children develop in the way they do. Child psychology also explains how children reach specific milestones and how these milestones may impact on their own individual development pathway. The broad topic of child psychology tries to provide answers to many questions which researchers divide into key areas. Those key areas are physical, social, cognitive and emotional. After the 1st World War, a biologist from Switzerland named Jean Piaget (1896-1980) put together the Intelligence Quotient test (or IQ test) to aid with cognitive thinking. The test was developed in France and aimed at children who may have been at risk of psychological

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