
Childhood Trauma Case Study

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The relationship between childhood trauma and emotional issues affecting relationships in adulthood is a topic that has been examined within many cultures and ethnicities. Carlson, McNutt, and Ramos (2004) found African American women and White women showed more similarities than differences in the associations between most abuse experiences and depression and anxiety, as well as types of childhood abuse. The team chose to examine the link between childhood maltreatment, and the ability to maintain healthy relationships in adulthood within African American women. The team found that there is an increased risk of psychological symptoms, emotional dysregulation, interpersonal difficulties, and daily hassles among African American women that …show more content…

Living and being raised up as a child in a household filled with trauma and abusive situations can result in a tendency to move toward chaos in adulthood. According to Mogg & Bradley, (1999), “A separate body of research reveals that individuals with higher levels of anxiety symptoms show deficits in emotion perception and emotion regulation” ( Sugveg, et al., 2010, Widom, et al., 2014), “and individuals with PTSD have shown an attentional bias to trauma-related stimuli” (Buckley, Blanchard, & Neill, 2000, Widom et al., 2014). Pollack (2001), “found that certain emotional cues become salient indicators of threat. Thus, in an emotion processing task, highly anxious individuals might be more likely to perform poorly on emotional tasks.” The previous finding has no particular ethnicity attached to it and the concept of being drawn toward trauma-related stimuli after childhood maltreatment can be a psychological human reaction that doesn’t discriminate against race or any specific women of color. African American women were originally highlighted due to personal and …show more content…

Low self –esteem and feeling worthlessness can be contributing factors to accepting less than healthy relationships in their lives. Meaning, if an individual does not think highly of themselves, they may be accepting to mistreatment in relationships from others. Feeling good about oneself may have positive outcomes in many areas of life. “Self-esteem, which refers to one’s views of the self and appraisals of how one is viewed by others”(Beck, Brown, Steer, Kuyken, & Grisham, 2001, Kaslow, Lamis, Shahane, & Wilson, 2014), “is important to consider in the childhood emotional abuse-adult hopelessness relation. Traumatic events including maltreatment, can have negative long-term consequences on self- esteem” (Gross & Keller, 2006, Lamis, et al., 2014) and identity ( Robinaugh & McNally, 2011, Lamis, et al., 2014). “ Negative parent-child relationships and attachment difficulties that often correspond with maltreatment can influence self-esteem through the development of a negative self-image” (Macfie, Ciccheti, & Toth, 2001, Lamis, et al., 2014). Victims of childhood maltreatment may not recognize the signs of an unhealthy relationship, due to childhood abuse with recognition of the norms. Maltreatment in relationships during adult-hood, or the ability to connect to healthy relationships directly relates to the experiences of childhood and what was

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