
Children In Custody Case Study

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Children in custody battles often feel confused and voiceless, I would know because I have been one of them, stuck between two moms. I work in child care as a nanny, babysitter, and within the last year, I began my work as a Companion or Supervisor for children in custody battles. I accompany them to visitations with the parent who did not receive custody because of previous neglect and act as a Supervisor as recognized by the court. These children are not heard in the custody cases when their parents fight for guardianship and many go through this traumatic experience alone. My empathy runs deep because I struggled through this first hand as a child when my two mothers, once in a domestic partnership, separated due to my adopted mom’s struggles with alcoholism. …show more content…

Through the 1990’s, same-sex marriage had been controversial and illegal which made it difficult to map out child custody because no laws existed for same-sex couples and their children. My adopted mom’s past struggles proved she should not have custody and subsequently, the court only allowed her to have monitored visits, but without my opinion or consent. I had been forced by the law to spend time with a parent who [whom?] I did not feel comfortable with, but I am fortunate to live with my biological mom who supported me through the tough times. This lasted for six years and I used this experience [understanding?] to connect with children and serve as their companion. At the age of 11, my adopted mom passed away due to her disease, alcoholism. I had developed a strong relationship with her throughout the years which made the years after hard, but I found solace in my work with

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