Around 41 percent of Americans have been arrested at least once before the age of 23. That’s 9 percent away from being half of the United States. These children that get into trouble may not even realize their consequences for their doings, not realizing how serious things can get. Who are theses kids that make these poor choices? Should the children that commit violent crimes be tried as adults? People have had a debate as to whether or not children should be tried as an adult if they have commit a violent crime such as rape, murder, or drug dealing. Most people will say no because they are young and still have time to change, others will say yes because what they did wasn’t right and deserve a stronger consequence. Poor towns are breeding …show more content…
When you’re still young you have a chance to actually change if you wanted to. By giving a child life in jail when he/she is 15, 16, or 17 doesn’t let them have a second chance at making themselves a better person. Some jails for things that aren’t so harsh as killing someone or rape, have counseling and job training courses to help that person in jail make something of themselves while they are in there. (“Juvenile Justice”) Other jails do not, there may be some access to counseling if needed but it would be rather hard to get it. They also do not actually receive stiffer sentences when tried as an adult. When being tried as an adult, they usually get out of their sentence earlier before they would even get out of a juvenile sentence. On good behavior they think that the child has learned their lesson and is scared enough that they have been fixed and won’t commit any more crimes. Also the imamates will treat the kids the same way the other kids in the juvenile jail would. Usually, the imamates are mean and rude to the newbies or the ones that look innocent. The child will want to fit in and stop being pushed around so they’ll change to be like the harder
Too many minors have committed violent crimes and haven’t gotten the consequences they deserved. In Time magazine article, “Children without Pity” written by Nancy Traver, it shows how the crime rates are going up and many minors aren’t getting the consequence they need. Given the violence of their actions, minors who commit violent crimes should be tried as adults.
Children have a long standing history in crimes. Some are cold blooded killers and some have real mental issues we have no idea they have. Children have been in crime since the 1900s. Currently in the united states there are thousands of children coming into jail everyday for murder, homicide, or any other particular crime. One source states that, “Currently an estimated 250,000 youth are tried, sentenced, or incarcerated as adults every year across the
Between the years 1988 and 1992 the amount of crimes that have been committed and went from 18 to 68 percent in the United States. Also, between the years 1983 to 1993 the amount of youths under eighteen years old arrested for murder and weapons violations has doubled in the United States. In the article, it states, “ Most experts blame the increase on two things: guns and drugs. Guns are now readily available, and kids involved in selling drugs are much more likely to use guns than they were ten years ago, say police” ( John, 1). This quote is important because the easier it is to get guns and drugs, the easier it will be for people for under the age of eighteen to commit a serious crime. Also, it states in the article that kids are committing crimes and not caring as much because they know that they are under the age of eighteen and they know that they will not get as in much trouble as they would if they were tried as adults. But, if they were tried as adults the crime rate of kids under the age of eighteen would decrease in a huge way. That is another reason why juveniles should be tried as
Today in society crimes are majority made by minors, I believe that when they investigate about the person looking at the background of the adolescent being tried. They see that they came from a bankrupt family, they live in a segregated area,and have high rates of learning disabilities, mental health and abuse problems.But also being tried like an adult when making a violent crime I don't think is truly effective for these juveniles to understand what they did was wrong giving them the right help and giving them the chance to turn around their
There are times juveniles should not be convicted as adults because sometimes the “crimes” may not harsh enough to be charged as an adult. For example, if a 8 year old saw a gun in their mother's purse and thought it was a toy and grabbed it and began to shoot who would be at fault ? Plus children in adult prisons are 10 times more likely to be taken advantage of in their time. Research shows that children prosecuted in the adult criminal justice system are more likely to reoffend than those held in the juvenile justice
Michele Deith said “Children brains are still under developed, then why tired them as an adult in court”. A child being tried as an adult effect their lives in many ways. The message of loss hope builds up in their minds prompting the idea that they can’t make mistakes. Because they fear they will always be tired unfairly. Also, being in prison for a life time for an ignorant mistake will make them more likely to commit more crimes. Crime records as a juvenile holds less than an adult record. Majority of juvenile cases are only classified as minor offensives. While, some cases may be different because of the crime, children should still be recognized for learning and should be held responsible however, not on an adult level.
Although some people believe that juvenile offenders should be treated like adults and take the same treatment as adults. The sentencing of a juvenile offender should not be tried as an adult, children should not be given the same handling as adults do, adults are different from kids. Adults know how to intake all of the effects of being treated the way they get treated in jail. Children are not capable of the pressure of being treated like adults yet, it also puts a lot of pressure on the juvenile and creates mental breakdowns. This is not right nor fair for children to have to be tried as adults, it is not the same punishments that adults get in jail, it’s more of a harsh and cruel system for adults than for the children to be placed in the facility they are in and get treated like they do.
This research paper will examine whether or not juveniles that commit violent crimes should be tried as an adult. Through research, I will establish an argument that children who commit the crimes of an adult should be punished as an adult. Data based on experience and observation detailing the number of juvenile offenders that are housed in adult prisons and jails, as well as the number of prisoners serving life sentences that were earned by committing violent crimes before the age of 15 will be included in this research paper. Finally, I
Some children don't have anything to do at home so they think it's okay if they go out and commit crimes because they don't think that the consequences will affect them. If children who are tried as juveniles instead of adults, they will be a lot safer and have a lot more life-related opportunities. The juvenile jails allow the children to get their GED and they always help them get a job and teach them how to work in the environment. Children who commit violent crimes sometimes think that their parents should be responsible for their actions. Children who have never been taught about the law or the right way to act they think
Often kids have little to no education at all and poor home environment that would increase the likelihood of a crime being committed. Courts should factor this in more when deciding on the punishment for
Juvenile Justice Argumentative Response: Why are children only considered adults when committing crimes? Widely perceived by people in America, many feel juveniles should be held accountable for their actions and be tried as adults. Other people feel strongly that given juveniles' age and ongoing brain development, they should be offered reasonable punishment instead of solely being tried as adults. Treating children as adults is simply unfair. Despite the adult nature of the crimes, juvenile criminals should be treated as minors in the criminal justice system because of the brain's inability to understand their actions because of existing brain development in comparison to adults, juveniles should instead be offered rehabilitation and resources.
There are many controversial issues in the United States the idea that children of ages 10-16 years old should be tried as adults. I say that if the child is capable of knowing what they are doing at the moment, they should be punished the same, not given light punishments just because of their age, many people may not agree with this statement because they think that children are rebels and if you warn them once they will understand the next time. Yet, some individuals will not care what is told to them and will keep on doing what they want because they believe that they will never get caught for their wrongdoings. Many youngsters are stubborn and do not like to admit that they are wrong, so they fall into the wrong path because it is easier and faster to get what they want.
Good Morning, I’m Emma Mallory and this is my correspondent, Marlee McCormick. We are unflinchingly in favor of the resolved topic that, “In the United States, juveniles charged with violent felonies ought to be treated as adults in the criminal justice system”. Violent felonies are classified as abusive crimes that include, rape or sexual assault, murder, domestic violence, robbery, and kidnapping. We strongly hold our beliefs that this case justifies the value of human safety. Any person no matter who they are deserves to be safe in any situation. If adolescents are not charged appropriately to match the crimes they have committed, this can threaten the safety of others. Overall, it is prerequisite that juveniles that have offended the law by committing violent felonies, face the consequences as adults.
As more minors are committing violent crimes, the question of whether they should be tried as adults has arisen. Children as young as 13 or 14 are committing violent crimes such as murder, rape, and armed robbery. Some of these children are being tried as adults while others are being tried as juveniles and receiving milder punishments. A juvenile offender may receive a few years in a juvenile detention facility and possibly probation following his release at age eighteen. An adult committing the same violent crime will receive a much harsher penalty, often years in jail, possibly a life sentence, with little or no chance of parole. The only difference between the two offenders is the age at which they committed the crime. Juveniles over
In today’s society, Juvenile Crime and Punishment is something that is discussed on a daily basis. Juvenile Crime and Punishment does branch out to many ideas, the main one being should juveniles be tried as adults. What this is basically, if a juvenile under the age of 18 who has committed a crime such as a murder, if he/she should be sentenced to an adult jail with adult charges. It was during the 1980’s to 1990’s is when legislatures from many states started to allow and even required prosecution of juveniles in adult criminal courts (Griffin, Addie, Adams, Firestine. “Trying Juveniles as Adults: An Analysis of State Transfer Laws and Reporting.” Juvenile Offenders and Victims: National Report Series, September 2011). Since the 1990’s many states have adopted the system of “get tough” approach, which is a juvenile justice response to the increase of violent crimes committed by juveniles (Juvenile Law- History). Recent large-scale studies have indicated that juveniles who receive harsher penalties when being tried as an adult don’t seem to change or “scared straight”. Studies have shown that after being released theses juveniles tend to make a mistake/ reoffend again, even more than the juveniles being treated in the juvenile system (PBS, Frontline). In fact fourteen states do not have a minimum age for trying children as adults, research shows that children as young as 8 years old have been sentenced and charged as adults to serve time in jail. Research has also shown