
Everyone Should Be Required To Join The Military

Satisfactory Essays

Military is something that anyone would like to join, but when they like to. Also, military help build confidence inside everyone; something it puts confidence down because feel like they not strong enough and good enough to join. Also, when people are being forced to join the military they won’t do as good. Therefore, people need to worry about graduating other than training for the military. In fact, young children shouldn’t be required to join the military, unless they prefer to.
To begin with, military shouldn’t be mandatory for young children graduate high school. Additionally, young adults learn how to hold a gun and kill others at a young age. Also, there is time being spend away from doing school work and doing military services. Therefore, military takes time away from transitions between school and education. Sometimes parent lose their child at join age because of joining the military. Therefore, young children …show more content…

Also, if someone is being force to join something that they don’t like they won’t succeed in it; as much as they would work hard on themselves because they want to it, not because they are being force for it. Sometimes, people with diabetes gets worth because their pressure being put on their back. Therefore, not everyone would like to join the military.
People might think joining the military is good to be mandatory because it break peoples fear and make them stronger. Also, giving the strength to young adults defend themselves against anything and everything. Others think that joining the military destroy young adult’s confidence because they feel that they can’t do the training and fight like other can. Additionally, family would lose their child at very young age. Sometime, people feel less than others because they not as strong as other, and it puts confidence down for young

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