
Chin Up Bar Essay

Decent Essays

I've been intimidated by the chin up bar for decades. When I was in grade school, I flunked the chin up test many times. Sure, I could get off the ground and reach the proper chin up position but I might have done it three or four times before giving up. Back in the old days, kids were required to pass gym. Back then, we were given lots of instruction and assistance. The pull up exercise (also called a chin up) is one of the most overlooked exercises for building upper body, back and core strength. Gym teachers swore by it for overall conditioning.

I decided to excel in running and sprinting to make up the difference. For many years I avoided the chin up bar in the gym because I did not want to face defeat again. The main issue with using a chin up bar is two fold, If you are heavy, you will have to lift your entire body weight with some of your smaller sets of muscles. The …show more content…

This is not a problem; you will be taking it one pull up at a time. There are two ways to develop your pull up power. Take your chin up bar and instead of installing it above your head, lie on the floor and extend your arms to full length with the bar in hand. Install the bar at that height from the floor.

Lie on the floor and pull yourself up keeping you body rigid; your back is straight and you're pulling up with your arms and shoulders. This technique forces you to use your deltoids, and forearms. Each time you work out; do as many as possible to develop your arms, chest and shoulders.

Once you feel comfortable pulling yourself up 12 to 15 times, you are ready to do the full standing pull up. Re-position your pull up bar and get a chair to assist your initial practice. The pull up bar should be at a height that causes you to jump up to grab it; your feet should now be hanging free. Most doors don't allow you to install a chin up bar high enough to accomplish this even if you are of average

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