
China In Transition: China And The Cultural Revolution

Decent Essays

This chapter focusses on the life of Mao as the Chairman, and his policies that impacted China in a negative way, including the policies of “Red” revolution after World War II, huge political and humanitarian disasters such as the “Great Leap Forward” and “The Cultural Revolution”. It also describes some of the power struggles he had during late years of his life causing him to instigate the Cultural Revolution right after the disastrous Great Leap Forward, which was his first policy disaster. The book also talks about the triangular relationship between the Chinese Communist Part, Moscow and Kuomintang. Mao, the grand strategist, forged partnership with Moscow and made it an important part of his first Five Year Plan “156 projects”.

II China in Transition

Death of Mao created a political power vacuum, which ended with Deng Xiaoping coming to power in 1978 who helped move China towards a capitalist model with the adoption of “Four modernization” economic policy. This led to China opening its door to western economies for the first time to modernize its steel and chemical industries.

III How China’s Market Reform Began

One of the major changes made in the Chinese governance policies was a reform which provided more autonomy to the enterprises, thus allowing market forces to grow while keeping the central planning fixed. The big picture behind …show more content…

This was unprecedented, and inevitably led the part to transform into a powerful interest group; all to protect themselves from such actions in the future. This was perhaps also influenced by the past policies which regarded disagreement with the Party line was regarded as high treason. The growth of interest groups within the party became a liability to itself as it was now not working as a single unit, which was the goal of the party in its early

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