
China 's Become A Global Superpower And Its Transformation From A Development Aid Recipients

Decent Essays

I once regretted that I majored in Chinese Language and Literature. Even after completing my Master 's degree in China I could not see the practical use of my studies. However, now I think it has become my strength to comprehend Chinese Language and culture as a student who seeks to research on the International Studies related to China as a Ph.D. candidate. During my study in China, I witnessed China’s emergence as a global superpower and its transformation from a development aid recipient to a donor country. This particularly intrigued me more than its language and culture. The transformation was similar to my home country, Korea, but this time I was able to witness it. China’s growing foreign aid started to have a significant impact on the landscape of the global development community and became a formidable alternative to existing Official Development Assistant (ODA). A non-OECD country, has become the center of controversies with its foreign aid policies. I was intrigued with this phenomenon and encountered a question: “How do developed countries (traditional donors) and developing countries (development aid recipients) work with China to enhance positive developments and minimize frictions?” In the pursuit of solution to my question, I enrolled the second Master’s degree in Public Policy at KDI School of Public Policy and Management where I gained a great deal of academic knowledge about public policy, global governance and political economy. Also, I have built my

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