
Chinese Discrimination In Australia Essay

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Imagine yourself moving to a different country which has a completely different culture to yours and the people there who you thought would be kind and peaceful, abuse you regularly and belittle you as much as possible. You become the target of prejudice and racist attitudes by both European and the Australian government. These are the hardships and the forms of racism faced by the Chinese from the Europeans upon arriving in Australia from 1800.

In 1851, gold was discovered in Australia. The Victorian gold rush attracted a great number of immigrants all over the world. A small group of Chinese miners left Hong Kong and arrived in Melbourne in 1852, returning to China rich in 1853. These men spread the word and gathered their countrymen. From …show more content…

They made no attempt to become part of the local community and did not mix with the mining population. The Chinese sent gold back to China which indicated their intention of eventually returning home. However this also created dissatisfaction and jealousy among the European miners. The European objections to the Chinese were both racist and economic. The Chinese were hardworking which made them look slack. They were the target of racist attitudes of both European gold miners and the Australian government of the time. The Chinese were regarded as an inferior race and were often unfairly blamed for many things not of their doing. They were resented as much for their hard work and success as their different culture.These resentments turned into unnoticeable violence at times. The Chinese were seen initially as oddities, later as competitors and then as a danger to white Australia.
The Europeans criticized the Chinese for a number of reasons. The Chinese muddied the water that was needed for washing gold. They went through the left over mining rubble or tailings which Europeans needed to fall back upon in times of hardship. Suspicion of Chinese dress, customs, religion and their vices, both real and imagined and like the Aborigines, the Chinese were considered inferior, for the Europeans confused cultural differences with their own ideas of

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