The culture that had the most impact on the modern world varies on opinion from scholar to scholar. Most can agree however; that the Chinese and the Greeks had the most influence. Emphasis should be placed on how Greek culture has spread farther and affected the world in ways the Chinese was unable to. We can see most roots of modern Western culture lying within the Ancient Greek.
Ancient Greece had a very large impact on todays’ modern world. The Greeks developed many amazing inventions, and ideals that have shaped our society. The various fields that were advanced include architecture, democracy, philosophy, science, and social occurrences (arts, sports, etc.). The Greeks were very traditional in their dwelling structures and established three very prominent architectural designs that are still used today. These designs include the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian styles. The most notable, the Doric style is described by its vertical columns, and the slightly sloped plain roof. The Ionic and Corinthian styles are more intricate and detailed, being dominant during their respectable architectural periods. A famous example would be the Parthenon, the building has withstood the test of time since the 5th century BCE. The style is very notable in the United States, representing buildings of power or high status, the White House being the most prominent example. Comparatively the ancient Chinese style of architecture has stayed in the culture it was brought up in;
6. Greek and Roman cultures had an impact on modern day american and European culture. They passed on architecture and literature. They also passed down law and christianity.
Just before you go to sleep, you image yourself taking a ride to the White House. You then notice it's beautiful columns. As you look through columns, this type of architecture is ancient Greek. There are other place to find these Greek columns. Besides architecture, other developments from ancient civilizations have an impact on our world today, such as roads and Gregorian calendar.
Both the Greeks and the Romans made a number of contributions to western culture in the field of architecture, many of which can still be seen to this very day. Architecture played a pivotal role in both the religion and daily life of ancient Greek society. The Greeks produced some of the world’s most enduring architectural monuments, many of which are still standing today. These include the Parthenon, the Temple of Zeus, and the Temple of Poseidon. Perhaps one of the largest contributions of the ancient Greeks to western civilization in regards to architecture was their development of the three fundamental architectural systems of design, the Doric, Iconic, and Corinthian orders. The following excerpt from an article
Architecture was very important then, and even now. For example,Greek architects used columns for their buildings (Doc. 1). There are three different types of columns, Doric columns have a plain top, Ionic columns have scrolls, and Corinthian columns have carved stone leaves (Doc. 1).
Throughout history many powerful civilizations have been established. Classical Athens Greece and Classical Han China both held dominance over their corresponding regions. Although Athens and Han China both experienced a Golden Age because of the build up of the states power, ultimately both civilizations differed greatly in their government structure, social ideals, and expression of art and intelligence.
The concept of axial age was introduced into the sphere of philosophical knowledge by German existentialist philosopher Karl Jaspers for characterizing the period of ancient history during about the 8th to the 3rd century BC. In this period of time we have developed a fundamentally new religious beliefs and doctrines that promoted human and cultural values of the era.
The Western world was highly influenced by the ancient Greeks. The Greeks changed the way the world looks at art, math, architecture, philosophy, sports, and drama. Without the ancient Greeks, the modern world would not be the same. Men such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle changed the way we look at philosophy. The Athenians created the first known democracy, setting the stage for future governments. The Euclidian Theorem and the Pythagorean Theorem among others made mathematics easier and more developed. Even current architecture can be traced back to the Parthenon and other pieces of Greek architecture. The Olympics even started in ancient Greece, creating one of the finest traditions the world has ever known. Without the ancient
There are two civilizations that were established in “Before Christ” (B.C.) out of many, they were Greece and China. Greece was established around 2000 B.C. by the Mycenaean and China was established around the 21st century B.C. which was the Xia Dynasty. Each of these civilizations have their similarities and differences. Three of the major similarities each of these cities have are government, army, and culture, even though they have that in common when you go into full detail they have a lot of differences too. In this paper you will have a better understanding on how these two civilizations are alike and unlike.
While both Roman and Greek cultures greatly influenced Western Civilization, Greeks contributed more to the western world than the Romans. The Greeks used their own ideas and thought of new ways to add to their culture, while the Romans mostly mixed and matched ideas from other civilizations and cultures to make their own. The Romans took up the inheritance of the Greeks adapted it to their own language and national traditions. (Grant 2)The Greeks introduced many new ideas and traditions, the most important being democracy - Athenian democracy in particular.
Modern day architecture in America is greatly influenced by ancient Greek architectural styles, which include columns and decorative elements such as
Classical Athens and Han China shared major similarities and differences. Han China was roughly four hundred eighty times bigger than Classical Athens in land mass. Han China believed in Buddhism, and Classical Athens believed in a religion of multiple complex gods, they even paid tribute to the gods. One of the best reasons classical Athens is different from Han China is because of their different forms of government. Athens believed in democratic government while Han China believed in an Imperial form of government. The other reason that they’re different from each other is because of the physical distance between the two empires. The distance between the two is roughly 7000 km and they pretty much had no influence over each other, because of the humongous distance (Doc 1).
a lasting effect on the world. In one way or another Greek and Roman civilizations have
The ancient Greek civilization contributed many great new ideas and aspects to everyday life that shaped and inspired the modern day society. The Greeks are well known for their construction of temples, acropolis’ and other grand architectural structures. Among these structures stood one of the most famous, the Parthenon. The Parthenon was a symbol of Greek society and culture as it stood as one of Greece’s most important architectural buildings.
Ancient China and Ancient Greece were two vastly different civilizations with different cultures; they shared a multitude of similar political, economic, and philosophical achievements while also inholding multiple differences. The centralized government of China differed from the independent city-states of Athens. A similarity that both civilizations held in regards to politics would be the role, or lack thereof one, that women played within their respective governments. China’s economy was focused on the internal trade and technological advancements while agriculture, trade, and slavery made the foundation for Greece’s. However, the two shared a link within whom they traded with as well as both
The ancient Greeks have made many contributions to Western civilization in the areas of architecture, art, and dramas. For example the ancient Greeks believed delicate curves and columns add dignity and grace to buildings. This idea is still used today and is seen in many buildings such as the White House. Ancient Greek