
Chingachgook Relationship Analysis

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I think that if you take a look at how far in distance they are in the beginning of the book it would tell you a lot. The father/son pair are close together, which emply to me that they have a good close relationship. They also talk about a pride the man has in his son. The other pair, the father daughter pair, start off distant and they are almost kept away from him. This emplies to me they are a bit a part from each other, still caring for each other but not close. I find it intresting that it seems every time the father of the two girls is mentioned they seem to be praying for him, like the writer was mixing religion into this story with a distant relationship with god and a close relationship to nature with the relationship of Chingachgook and Uncas. These two relationships differ in a father-son relationship and a father-daughter relationship. Uncas is the son of Chingachgook and one of the last members of the Mohicans. This relationship seems to be a man-to-man relationship in where they respect one another. The relationship of father- daughter with Colonel Munro and his daughters seems to show natural protectiveness and emotion. Colonel Munro is a commander and his daughters respect him, but also challenge …show more content…

Chingachgook prizes his son and desires for him to be strong, accountable, and to essentially carry on the Mohican blood-line. Uncas sees his father as his guide, he has deep respect always shown in his obedience towards him and his attentiveness to his fathers needs and wishes. Hawkeye also prizes Chingachgook as he became his father figure and despite their difference in color he taught Hawkeye the ways of the Mohican. Hawkeye, Uncas, and Chingachgook were a team always working together and looking after each other. Amongst all three men respect, honor, and civility were always present and obedience towards one another was

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