
Chivalry And Chivalry

Decent Essays

In the Medieval Time period of world history the literature was mainly written in the dominant languages of the time: French, and Italian. English language did not have the world dominance it does today, therefore not many people embraced the idea of writing in a language that the majority of people did not know. On the literary side the situation was the same; Italian, and French were the dominant languages in Europe. For someone to write in a less prominent language such as English was unheard of and bizarre. The literary topics of the time mainly revolved around chivalry. Chivalry is the way knights should behave, later it became more widely accepted to all men. It was a moral code one must live by and never disobey. Chivalry revolved around the following three topics: respect and protection of the poor, respect to all women, and respect to God. By respecting women knights would prioritize them over anyone else, they must show love, sincerity, jealousy, and honor. The respect to God refers to a knight's duty of being faithful to God, and the church. God must be the number one priority in their life. Not even the king could overtake the priority of serving God first. The combination of these two elements of medieval writing, (Italian, and French being the language of poems, and these poems being about chivalry) made it almost nearly impossible to be able to get any sort of acknowledgement, or praise for one's work. Englishman Geoffrey Chaucer who in spite of

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