
Chiyo's Transformation In 'Memoirs Of A Geisha'

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Chiyo’s Transformation throughout the Novel In the novelMemoirs of a Geisha, the protagonist evolves from a naïve young girl from a poorfishing village, braves the harsh realities of life in her quest to become a geisha, to become a confident and sophisticated adult entertainer. Chiyo begins out as a shy dreamy village girl that that is born into poverty and loses her mother at an early age and is left in the care of a poor father. Faced with the dilemma of raising girls all by himself, her father plans to sell them, opening their floodgate to suffering that haunts Chiyo throughout her rise to geisha life. In the city, with her new found name and life, Chiyo fast adapts to the art of entertaining men and soon finds herself looking for a danna …show more content…

In the first chapter, Chiyo observes, “…we both had the same peculiar eyes… almost never see in Japan” (Golden 9). She has beautiful translucent gray eyes as compared to the regular dark brown eyes of her sister. It is these beautiful eyes that trigger her journey of becoming a geisha. When she encounters Mr. Tanaka as she goes for incense, he compliments the color of her eyes. He soon sees them as an opportunity to sell her to okiya to work as a geisha. The anguish starts soon after the visit to Mr. Tanaka’s home where they are sent and change from one stranger to the next without being fed nor being told where they are headed; they are treated like luggage. Her eyes save her from being sold to the pleasure city like her sister. In addition to her beautiful eyes, she is also very ambitious and wishes she could get the chance of becoming a geisha. She acknowledges she will face many challenges along the way which are likely to change her but nonetheless she is prepared for them. When she was going through a difficult time, she reflects how closed her eyes tightly and brought her hands together praying that the members of the okiya let her become a geisha; she then though how her training would subject her to suffering but she was ready to brave all that so that she could attract the Chairman (Golden 114). When Chiyo makes these remarks, her life is on a downward spin asMother has stopped her training as a geisha and has instead made her a servant at the okiya. As if that is not enough, her fellow geisha, Hatsumomo torments her constantly and is skimming to have her thrown out of the okiya. The cost of being a geisha is high and one has to find ways of coping. At the beginning of the book, she explains how she is forced to practice what she calls a ‘Noh Smile’ that is frozen such that it lets men understand whatever they wish

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