
Choices In The Great Gatsby

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A decision in life comes from within. People may put a lot of thought into their major or minor decisions in life, but that choice is a main aspect of one"s future in his or her life. Choices could be positive or pejorative, and it results in one"s life wheather wanted or unwanted is a catagorial truth. F.Scott Fitzgerald"s The Great Gatsby, Toronto"s former Mayor Rob Ford, and Canada"s future Priminster; Justin Trudeau are paradigms in choices that result in peoples lives.

In the Great Gatsby, the main character Jay Gatsby makes many odd decisions for winning the heart of his former lover, Daisy Bucheanan. Throughout the novel Gatsby hosts exorbitant lavish parties, in order to attract the love of his life. Futhermore, Daisy never showed up as this lead to unnesicary stress to Gatsby. He has anger managment issues, and still wants a superficial perfect loving realtionship with Daisy, even though she is married to Tom. Deep down he knows this is unrealistic, but avoids reality. His character is extreamly alutristic, which is opposite to Daisy. His choices eventually lead to a man to kill Gatsby inhis own swimming pool. Due to Gatsby"s uncertain choices in his life, the outcome wasn"t pleasant. …show more content…

His role as a leader, came to a point when he had mid-life crises, as he made a precarious decision of doing drugs. Crack Cocaine, the comsuption of excessive amounts of Achohol was alarming to every citizen, some found it entertaining. This had a major imapact on his career and caused embarassment. These inappropriate habits never came to an end, he is a disgrace to Toronto. He is now in Rehab. The choice he made to get involved in drugs jeopardized his

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